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class CasUserManager in CAS 2.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/Service/CasUserManager.php \Drupal\cas\Service\CasUserManager

Provides the 'cas.user_manager' service default implementation.


Expanded class hierarchy of CasUserManager

5 files declare their use of CasUserManager
CasProtectedUserFieldConstraintValidator.php in src/Plugin/Validation/Constraint/CasProtectedUserFieldConstraintValidator.php
CasSettings.php in src/Form/CasSettings.php
CasUserAccessCheck.php in src/Access/CasUserAccessCheck.php
CasUserManagerTest.php in tests/src/Unit/Service/CasUserManagerTest.php
ServiceController.php in src/Controller/ServiceController.php
1 string reference to 'CasUserManager' in ./
1 service uses CasUserManager
cas.user_manager in ./


src/Service/CasUserManager.php, line 24


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class CasUserManager {

   * Email address for new users is combo of username + custom hostname.
   * @var int

   * Email address for new users is derived from a CAS attirbute.
   * @var int

   * Used to include the externalauth service from the external_auth module.
   * @var \Drupal\externalauth\ExternalAuthInterface
  protected $externalAuth;

   * An authmap service object.
   * @var \Drupal\externalauth\AuthmapInterface
  protected $authmap;

   * Stores settings object.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface
  protected $settings;

   * Used to get session data.
   * @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionInterface
  protected $session;

   * Used when storing CAS login data.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection
  protected $connection;

   * The CAS Helper.
   * @var \Drupal\cas\Service\CasHelper
  protected $casHelper;

   * CAS proxy helper.
   * @var \Drupal\cas\Service\CasProxyHelper
  protected $casProxyHelper;

   * Used to dispatch CAS login events.
   * @var \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface
  protected $eventDispatcher;

   * The name of the external auth provider we use.
   * @var string
  protected $provider = 'cas';

   * CasUserManager constructor.
   * @param \Drupal\externalauth\ExternalAuthInterface $external_auth
   *   The external auth interface.
   * @param \Drupal\externalauth\AuthmapInterface $authmap
   *   The authmap interface.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface $settings
   *   The settings.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionInterface $session
   *   The session.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection $database_connection
   *   The database connection.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface $event_dispatcher
   *   The event dispatcher.
   * @param \Drupal\cas\Service\CasHelper $cas_helper
   *   The CAS helper.
   * @param \Drupal\cas\Service\CasProxyHelper $cas_proxy_helper
   *   The CAS Proxy helper.
  public function __construct(ExternalAuthInterface $external_auth, AuthmapInterface $authmap, ConfigFactoryInterface $settings, SessionInterface $session, Connection $database_connection, EventDispatcherInterface $event_dispatcher, CasHelper $cas_helper, CasProxyHelper $cas_proxy_helper) {
    $this->externalAuth = $external_auth;
    $this->authmap = $authmap;
    $this->settings = $settings;
    $this->session = $session;
    $this->connection = $database_connection;
    $this->eventDispatcher = $event_dispatcher;
    $this->casHelper = $cas_helper;
    $this->casProxyHelper = $cas_proxy_helper;

   * Register a local Drupal user given a CAS username.
   * @param string $authname
   *   The CAS username.
   * @param string $local_username
   *   The local Drupal username to be created.
   * @param array $property_values
   *   (optional) Property values to assign to the user on registration.
   * @return \Drupal\user\UserInterface
   *   The user entity of the newly registered user.
   * @throws \Drupal\cas\Exception\CasLoginException
   *   When the user account could not be registered.
  public function register($authname, $local_username, array $property_values = []) {
    $property_values['name'] = $local_username;
    $property_values['pass'] = $this
    try {
      $user = $this->externalAuth
        ->register($authname, $this->provider, $property_values);
    } catch (ExternalAuthRegisterException $e) {
      throw new CasLoginException($e
        ->getMessage(), CasLoginException::USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS);
    return $user;

   * Attempts to log the user in to the Drupal site.
   * @param \Drupal\cas\CasPropertyBag $property_bag
   *   CasPropertyBag containing username and attributes from CAS.
   * @param string $ticket
   *   The service ticket.
   * @throws \Drupal\cas\Exception\CasLoginException
   *   Thrown if there was a problem logging in the user.
  public function login(CasPropertyBag $property_bag, $ticket) {
    $account = $this->externalAuth
      ->getUsername(), $this->provider);
    if ($account === FALSE) {

      // Check if we should create the user or not.
      $config = $this->settings
      if ($config
        ->get('user_accounts.auto_register') === TRUE) {
          ->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Existing account not found for user, attempting to auto-register.');

        // Dispatch an event that allows modules to deny automatic registration
        // for this user account or to set properties for the user that will
        // be created.
        $cas_pre_register_event = new CasPreRegisterEvent($property_bag);
          ->setPropertyValue('mail', $this
          ->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Dispatching EVENT_PRE_REGISTER.');
          ->dispatch(CasHelper::EVENT_PRE_REGISTER, $cas_pre_register_event);
        if ($cas_pre_register_event
          ->getAllowAutomaticRegistration()) {
          $account = $this
            ->getUsername(), $cas_pre_register_event
            ->getDrupalUsername(), $cas_pre_register_event
        else {
          $reason = $cas_pre_register_event
          throw (new CasLoginException("Cannot register user, an event listener denied access.", CasLoginException::SUBSCRIBER_DENIED_REG))
      else {
        throw new CasLoginException("Cannot login, local Drupal user account does not exist.", CasLoginException::NO_LOCAL_ACCOUNT);

    // Check if the retrieved user is blocked before moving forward.
    if (!$account
      ->isActive()) {
      throw new CasLoginException(sprintf('The username %s has not been activated or is blocked.', $account
        ->getAccountName()), CasLoginException::ACCOUNT_BLOCKED);

    // Dispatch an event that allows modules to prevent this user from logging
    // in and/or alter the user entity before we save it.
    $pre_login_event = new CasPreLoginEvent($account, $property_bag);
      ->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Dispatching EVENT_PRE_LOGIN.');
      ->dispatch(CasHelper::EVENT_PRE_LOGIN, $pre_login_event);

    // Save user entity since event listeners may have altered it.
    // @todo Don't take it for granted. Find if the account was really altered.
    // @todo Should this be swapped with the following if(...) block? Why
    //   altering the account if the login has been denied?
    if (!$pre_login_event
      ->getAllowLogin()) {
      $reason = $pre_login_event
      throw (new CasLoginException('Cannot login, an event listener denied access.', CasLoginException::SUBSCRIBER_DENIED_LOGIN))
      ->userLoginFinalize($account, $property_bag
      ->getUsername(), $this->provider);
      ->getId(), $ticket);
      ->set('is_cas_user', TRUE);
      ->set('cas_username', $property_bag
    $postLoginEvent = new CasPostLoginEvent($account, $property_bag);
      ->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Dispatching EVENT_POST_LOGIN.');
      ->dispatch(CasHelper::EVENT_POST_LOGIN, $postLoginEvent);
    if ($this->settings
      ->get('proxy.initialize') && $property_bag
      ->getPgt()) {
        ->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Storing PGT information for this session.");

   * Store the Session ID and ticket for single-log-out purposes.
   * @param string $session_id
   *   The session ID, to be used to kill the session later.
   * @param string $ticket
   *   The CAS service ticket to be used as the lookup key.
  protected function storeLoginSessionData($session_id, $ticket) {
    if ($this->settings
      ->get('logout.enable_single_logout') === TRUE) {
      ], [

   * Return CAS username for account, or FALSE if it doesn't have one.
   * @param int $uid
   *   The user ID.
   * @return bool|string
   *   The CAS username if it exists, or FALSE otherwise.
  public function getCasUsernameForAccount($uid) {
    return $this->authmap
      ->get($uid, $this->provider);

   * Return uid of account associated with passed in CAS username.
   * @param string $cas_username
   *   The CAS username to lookup.
   * @return bool|int
   *   The uid of the user associated with the $cas_username, FALSE otherwise.
  public function getUidForCasUsername($cas_username) {
    return $this->authmap
      ->getUid($cas_username, $this->provider);

   * Save an association of the passed in Drupal user account and CAS username.
   * @param \Drupal\user\UserInterface $account
   *   The user account entity.
   * @param string $cas_username
   *   The CAS username.
  public function setCasUsernameForAccount(UserInterface $account, $cas_username) {
      ->save($account, $this->provider, $cas_username);

   * Remove the CAS username association with the provided user.
   * @param \Drupal\user\UserInterface $account
   *   The user account entity.
  public function removeCasUsernameForAccount(UserInterface $account) {
      ->id(), $this->provider);

   * Generate a random password for new user registrations.
   * @return string
   *   A random password.
  protected function randomPassword() {

    // Default length is 10, use a higher number that's harder to brute force.
    return \user_password(30);

   * Return the email address that should be assigned to an auto-register user.
   * @param \Drupal\cas\CasPropertyBag $cas_property_bag
   *   The CasPropertyBag associated with the user's login attempt.
   * @return string
   *   The email address.
   * @throws \Drupal\cas\Exception\CasLoginException
   *   Thrown when the email address cannot be derived properly.
  public function getEmailForNewAccount(CasPropertyBag $cas_property_bag) {
    $email_assignment_strategy = $this->settings
    if ($email_assignment_strategy === self::EMAIL_ASSIGNMENT_STANDARD) {
      return $cas_property_bag
        ->getUsername() . '@' . $this->settings
    elseif ($email_assignment_strategy === self::EMAIL_ASSIGNMENT_ATTRIBUTE) {
      $email_attribute = $this->settings
      if (empty($email_attribute) || !array_key_exists($email_attribute, $cas_property_bag
        ->getAttributes())) {
        throw new CasLoginException('Specified CAS email attribute does not exist.', CasLoginException::ATTRIBUTE_PARSING_ERROR);
      $val = $cas_property_bag
      if (empty($val)) {
        throw new CasLoginException('Empty data found for CAS email attribute.', CasLoginException::ATTRIBUTE_PARSING_ERROR);

      // The attribute value may actually be an array of values, but we need it
      // to only contain 1 value.
      if (is_array($val) && count($val) !== 1) {
        throw new CasLoginException('Specified CAS email attribute was formatted in an unexpected way.', CasLoginException::ATTRIBUTE_PARSING_ERROR);
      if (is_array($val)) {
        $val = $val[0];
      return trim($val);
    else {
      throw new CasLoginException('Invalid email address assignment type for auto user registration specified in settings.');



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
CasUserManager::$authmap protected property An authmap service object.
CasUserManager::$casHelper protected property The CAS Helper.
CasUserManager::$casProxyHelper protected property CAS proxy helper.
CasUserManager::$connection protected property Used when storing CAS login data.
CasUserManager::$eventDispatcher protected property Used to dispatch CAS login events.
CasUserManager::$externalAuth protected property Used to include the externalauth service from the external_auth module.
CasUserManager::$provider protected property The name of the external auth provider we use.
CasUserManager::$session protected property Used to get session data.
CasUserManager::$settings protected property Stores settings object.
CasUserManager::EMAIL_ASSIGNMENT_ATTRIBUTE constant Email address for new users is derived from a CAS attirbute.
CasUserManager::EMAIL_ASSIGNMENT_STANDARD constant Email address for new users is combo of username + custom hostname.
CasUserManager::getCasUsernameForAccount public function Return CAS username for account, or FALSE if it doesn't have one.
CasUserManager::getEmailForNewAccount public function Return the email address that should be assigned to an auto-register user.
CasUserManager::getUidForCasUsername public function Return uid of account associated with passed in CAS username.
CasUserManager::login public function Attempts to log the user in to the Drupal site.
CasUserManager::randomPassword protected function Generate a random password for new user registrations.
CasUserManager::register public function Register a local Drupal user given a CAS username.
CasUserManager::removeCasUsernameForAccount public function Remove the CAS username association with the provided user.
CasUserManager::setCasUsernameForAccount public function Save an association of the passed in Drupal user account and CAS username.
CasUserManager::storeLoginSessionData protected function Store the Session ID and ticket for single-log-out purposes.
CasUserManager::__construct public function CasUserManager constructor.