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Functions in CAPTCHA 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
captcha_admin_settings ./ Form builder function for the general CAPTCHA configuration 1
captcha_admin_settings_submit ./ Submission function for captcha_admin_settings form 1
captcha_captcha ./captcha.module Default implementation of hook_captcha 1
captcha_examples ./ Funtion for generating a page with CAPTCHA examples If the arguments $module and $challenge are not set, generate a list with examples of the available CAPTCHA types. If $module and $challenge are set, generate 10 examples of the concerning CAPTCHA. 1
captcha_form_alter ./captcha.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
captcha_help ./captcha.module Implementation of hook_help().
captcha_install ./captcha.install Implementation of hook_install().
captcha_menu ./captcha.module Implementation of hook_menu().
captcha_perm ./captcha.module Implementation of hook_perm().
captcha_point_admin ./ Central handler for CAPTCHA point administration (adding, disabling, deleting) 1
captcha_point_admin_form ./ 1
captcha_point_admin_form_submit ./ submit function for captcha_point_admin_form
captcha_point_admin_form_validate ./ validation function for captcha_point_admin_form
captcha_point_disable_confirm ./ Confirm dialog for disabling/deleting a CAPTCHA point 1
captcha_point_disable_confirm_submit ./ submission handler of CAPTCHA point disabling/deleting confirm_form
captcha_pre_render ./captcha.module Implementation of form #pre_render. 1
captcha_pre_render_place_captcha ./captcha.module Pre_render function to place the CAPTCHA form element just above the last submit button 1
captcha_requirements ./captcha.module Implementation of hook_requirements().
captcha_schema ./captcha.install Implementation of hook_schema().
captcha_theme ./captcha.module Implementation of hook_theme().
captcha_uninstall ./captcha.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
captcha_update_1 ./captcha.install Implementation of hook_update_N()
captcha_update_2 ./captcha.install Implementation of hook_update_N()
captcha_validate ./captcha.module Implementation of form #validate. 1
image_captcha_captcha image_captcha/image_captcha.module Implementation of hook_captcha 1
image_captcha_help image_captcha/image_captcha.module Implementation of hook_help().
image_captcha_image image_captcha/ menu callback function that generates the CAPTCHA image 1
image_captcha_menu image_captcha/image_captcha.module Implementation of hook_menu().
image_captcha_settings_form image_captcha/ Configuration form for image_captcha 1
image_captcha_settings_form_pre_render image_captcha/ Pre render function for image_captcha_settings_form 1
image_captcha_settings_form_validate image_captcha/ Validation function for image_captcha configuration form 1
image_captcha_uninstall image_captcha/image_captcha.install On uninstall: remove module variables and clear variable cache
text_captcha_captcha text_captcha/text_captcha.module Implementation of hook_captcha
text_captcha_help text_captcha/text_captcha.module Implementation of hook_help().
text_captcha_menu text_captcha/text_captcha.module Implementation of hook_menu().
text_captcha_settings_form text_captcha/ Administration form 1
text_captcha_settings_form_validate text_captcha/ Validate function of the administration form 1
text_captcha_uninstall text_captcha/text_captcha.install On uninstall: remove module variables and clear variable cache
theme_captcha_admin_settings_captcha_points ./ Custom theme function for a table of (form_id -> CAPTCHA type) settings
_captcha_available_challenge_types ./ Return an array with the available CAPTCHA types, for use as options array for a select form elements. The array is an associative array mapping "$module/$type" to "$type ($module)" with $module the module name implementing the… 2
_captcha_get_description ./captcha.module Get the description which appears above the CAPTCHA in forms. If the locale module is enabled, an optional language code can be given 2
_captcha_persistence_skip ./captcha.module Helper function for checking if the CAPTCHA for the given form_id should be skipped because of CAPTCHA persistence. 2
_image_captcha_available_fonts image_captcha/ function to get a list of available fonts 1
_image_captcha_generate_image image_captcha/ base function for generating a image CAPTCHA 1
_image_captcha_get_font image_captcha/image_captcha.module Returns: 3
_image_captcha_hex_to_rgb image_captcha/ small helper function for parsing a hexadecimal color to a RGB tuple 2
_image_captcha_image_generator_add_dots image_captcha/ 1
_image_captcha_image_generator_add_lines image_captcha/ 1
_image_captcha_image_generator_print_string image_captcha/ Helper function for drawing text on the image 1
_image_captcha_utf8_split image_captcha/image_captcha.module Helper function for splitting an utf8 string correctly in characters. Assumes the given utf8 string is well formed. See for more info 3


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