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Files in CAPTCHA 6.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description Functionality and helper functions for CAPTCHA administration. General CAPTCHA functionality and helper functions. name = CAPTCHA description = Base CAPTCHA module for adding challenges to arbitrary forms. package = "Spam control" core = 6.x
captcha.install captcha.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the CAPTCHA module.
captcha.module captcha.module This module enables basic CAPTCHA functionality: administrators can add a CAPTCHA to desired forms that users without the 'skip CAPTCHA' permission (typically anonymous visitors) have to solve.
captcha.test captcha.test Tests for CAPTCHA module.
captcha_api.txt captcha_api.txt This documentation is for developers that want to implement their own challenge type and integrate it with the base CAPTCHA module. === Required: hook_captcha($op, $captcha_type='') === The hook_captcha() hook is the only required…
image_captcha-rtl.css image_captcha/image_captcha-rtl.css /** * Styling of the font selection list (with previews) * on the Image CAPTCHA settings page. */ /** * Float the fonts with preview (with a fixed width) * to create a multi-column layout. */ .image_captcha_admin_font_preview { float: right; } image_captcha/ Functions for administration/settings interface.
image_captcha.css image_captcha/image_captcha.css /** * Styling of the font selection list (with previews) * on the Image CAPTCHA settings page. */ /** * Float the fonts with preview (with a fixed width) * to create a multi-column layout. */ .image_captcha_admin_font_preview { float: left; … image_captcha/ name = "Image CAPTCHA" description = "Provides an image based CAPTCHA." package = "Spam control" dependencies[] = captcha core = 6.x
image_captcha.install image_captcha/image_captcha.install
image_captcha.module image_captcha/image_captcha.module Implementation of image CAPTCHA for use with the CAPTCHA module image_captcha/ Functions for the generation of the CAPTCHA image.
README.txt README.txt Readme file for the CAPTCHA module for Drupal --------------------------------------------- captcha.module is the basic CAPTCHA module, offering general CAPTCHA administration and a simple math challenge. Submodule image_captcha.module offers an…
README.txt image_captcha/fonts/README.txt It possible to put your own fonts for the Image CAPTCHA in this folder. However, this is not the recommended way, as they can get lost easily during a module update. The recommended way to provide your own fonts is putting them in the files directory…
README.txt image_captcha/fonts/Tuffy/README.txt This directory contains a subset (Regular and Bold) of the Tuffy typeface created by Thatcher Ulrich ( and released in the public domain. Original licensing statement of the…
tesox_readme.txt image_captcha/fonts/Tesox/tesox_readme.txt The Tesox typeface ================== The Tesox typeface is created by Stefaan Lippens (also known as soxofaan on, It is based on hand drawn characters, converted to a TrueType font with the FontCapture web…

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