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6 calls to CaptchaBaseWebTestCase::createNodeWithCommentsEnabled() in CAPTCHA 6.2

CaptchaAdminTestCase::testCaptchAdminLinks in ./captcha.test
Testing of the CAPTCHA administration links.
CaptchaAdminTestCase::testUntrustedUserPosting in ./captcha.test
CaptchaSessionReuseAttackTestCase::testCaptchaSessionReuseAttackDetectionOnCommentPreview in ./captcha.test
CaptchaSessionReuseAttackTestCase::testMultipleCaptchaProtectedFormsOnOnePage in ./captcha.test
CaptchaTestCase::assertCommentPosting in ./captcha.test
Assert function for testing if comment posting works as it should.
CaptchaTestCase::testCaptchaDescriptionAfterCommentPreview in ./captcha.test
Test if the CAPTCHA description is only shown if there are challenge widgets to show. For example, when a comment is previewed with correct CAPTCHA answer, a challenge is generated and added to the form but removed in the pre_render phase. The CAPTCHA…