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6 calls to CampaignMonitor::getCacheTimeout() in Campaign Monitor 8

CampaignMonitor::deleteList in src/CampaignMonitor.php
Delete a list from Campaign Monitor. This action can not be reverted. The list is also removed from the local cache.
CampaignMonitor::getCampaigns in src/CampaignMonitor.php
Get basic information about campaigns in the form of a keyed array. The information is stored locally in a temporary cache. The array is formatted like this:.
CampaignMonitor::getDrafts in src/CampaignMonitor.php
Get basic information about drafts in the form of a keyed array. The information is stored locally in a temporary cache. The array is formatted like this:.
CampaignMonitor::getListStats in src/CampaignMonitor.php
Fetch stats about a given list, which includes number of subscribers and unsubscribers. This information is temporarily stored in the local cache. The default timeout is 360 seconds.
CampaignMonitor::getSubscriber in src/CampaignMonitor.php
Get values entered by the subscriber, when she/he subscribed to a given list.
CampaignMonitor::removeSubscriberFromCache in src/CampaignMonitor.php
Remove subscribers from local cache. This forces the data to be fetched from Campaign Monitor at the next request. This function should be used in connection with updating subscriber information.