class CampaignMonitor in Campaign Monitor 8
- class \Drupal\campaignmonitor\CampaignMonitor
Expanded class hierarchy of CampaignMonitor
3 files declare their use of CampaignMonitor
- campaignmonitor.module in ./
campaignmonitor.module - Module that plugs in Campaign Monitor functionality to your Drupal web site. For Campaign Monitor information see:
- CampaignMonitorCampaign.php in modules/
campaignmonitor_campaign/ src/ CampaignMonitorCampaign.php - campaignmonitor_campaign.module in modules/
campaignmonitor_campaign/ campaignmonitor_campaign.module - Module file for campaignmonitor_campaign.
- src/
CampaignMonitor.php, line 37 - Implementation of the CampaignMonitor class, which is a wrapper class for Campaign Monitor v3 API. It's implemented as a Singleton class and instances are created using the account variables and the static function getConnector(). An example:.
Drupal\campaignmonitorView source
class CampaignMonitor {
* Used to load the different library parts of the API.
const CAMPAIGNMONITORCLIENT = 'csrest_clients.php';
const CAMPAIGNMONITORLIST = 'csrest_lists.php';
const CAMPAIGNMONITORSUBSCRIBERS = 'csrest_subscribers.php';
* Config settings.
protected $config;
protected $apiKey;
protected $clientId;
protected $logErrors = FALSE;
protected $errors = [];
* These variables are used as static cache for the object.
protected $lists = [];
protected $listStats = [];
protected $campaigns = [];
protected $drafts = [];
protected $subscribers = [];
* Holds the object instance (part of the singleton pattern).
protected static $instance;
* Private class constructor, which prevents creation of this class directly.
* Use the static function CampaignMonitor::GetConnector().
* @param string $api_key
* @param string $client_id
* @param string $libraryPath
* optional.
protected function __construct($api_key = FALSE, $client_id = FALSE) {
// Get account information.
$this->config = \Drupal::config('campaignmonitor.settings');
// Get API key/client ID if they are defined.
$this->apiKey = $api_key ? $api_key : ($this->config
->get('api_key') != NULL ? $this->config
->get('api_key') : FALSE);
$this->clientId = $client_id ? $client_id : ($this->config
->get('client_id') != NULL ? $this->config
->get('client_id') : FALSE);
// Enable logging.
if ($this->config
->get('logging')) {
$this->logErrors = $this->config
* Add an error to the local stack and call watchdog, if logging is enabled.
* @param string $type
* Drupal watchdog const. error type.
* @param string $message
* The error message.
* @param int $code
* Normally the HTTP response code.
protected function addError($type, $message, $code = -1) {
$this->errors[] = [
'type' => $type,
'code' => $code,
'message' => $message,
if ($this->logErrors) {
$msg = t('Failed with code: @code and message: @msg', [
'@code' => $code,
'@msg' => $message,
* Create API client object.
* @return \CS_REST_Clients
* The Campaign Monitor client object.
protected function createClientObj() {
return $this->clientId ? new \CS_REST_Clients($this->clientId, $this->apiKey) : NULL;
* Create API list object.
* @param string $listId
* The Campaign Monitor list ID.
* @return \CS_REST_Lists
* The Campaign Monitor list object.
protected function createListObj($listId) {
return new \CS_REST_Lists($listId, $this->apiKey);
* Create API subscribers object.
* @param string $listId
* The Campaign Monitor list ID.
* @return \CS_REST_Subscribers
* The Campaign Monitor subscriber object.
protected function createSubscriberObj($listId) {
return new \CS_REST_Subscribers($listId, $this->apiKey);
* Create a UNIX timestamp based on the cache timeout set in the
* administration interface.
* @return string
* A UNIX timestamp.
protected function getCacheTimeout() {
return time() + ($this->config
->get('cache_timeout') ? (int) $this->config
->get('cache_timeout') : 360);
* Implements a singleton pattern that returns an instance of this object. The
* function requires Campaign Monitor account keys to create the connection.
* These keys can be found at the Campaign Monitor homepage and should be
* entered in the administration interface. The object can then be created
* like this:.
* <?php
* $account = variable_get('campaignmonitor_account', array());
* $cm = CampaignMonitor::getConnector($account['api_key'], $account['client_id']);
* ?>
* @param string $api_key
* The Campaign Monitor API key.
* @param string $client_key
* The Campaign Monitor client key.
* @param string $libraryPath
* A string containing the path to the Campaign Monitor API library.
* @return object CampaignMonitor
* The CampaignMonitor singleton object.
public static function getConnector($api_key = FALSE, $client_key = FALSE) {
if ($api_key && $client_key || !isset(self::$instance)) {
$class = __CLASS__;
self::$instance = new $class($api_key, $client_key);
return self::$instance;
* Returns the latest error from the stack of possible errors encountered
* during communication with Campaign Monitor servers.
* @return array
* An array containing an error code and message.
public function getLatestError() {
if (!empty($this->errors)) {
$last = $this->errors[count($this->errors) - 1];
return [
'code' => $last['code'],
'message' => $last['message'],
else {
return [
'code' => 1,
'message' => t('There do not seem to be any errors.'),
* Returns the internal error array with the format below.
* $errors[] = array(
* 'type' => [watchdog error type],
* 'code' => [error code],
* 'message' => [message],
* );
* @return mixed array | FALSE
* An array of errors or FALSE if the array is empty.
public function getErrors() {
if (count($this->errors)) {
return $this->errors;
return FALSE;
* Resets the internal error array to an empty array.
public function resetErrors() {
$this->errors = [];
* Gets all lists from Campaign Monitor found under the client ID given during
* object creation. The list is returned as a keyed array and cached in the
* cache table, so it may not always return the newest information.
* The array has the format below. Be aware that the same cache is used for
* the getListDetails() and getCustomFields() functions. This means that the
* information returned by this function may contain an extended list of
* information if any of these functions have been called.
* $list[$id] = array(
* 'name' => 'List name',
* );
* @return array | FALSE
* An array of lists available from Campaign Monitor or FALSE on failure.
public function getLists() {
if (empty($this->lists)) {
$cid = 'mymodule_example:' . \Drupal::languageManager()
if ($cache = \Drupal::cache()
->get('campaignmonitor_lists')) {
// Cache information found.
$this->lists = $cache->data;
else {
// Create list object and get the lists, then save the lists in the
// local cache.
if ($obj = $this
->createClientObj()) {
$result = $obj
if ($result
->was_successful()) {
foreach ($result->response as $list) {
$this->lists[$list->ListID] = [
'name' => $list->Name,
->set('campaignmonitor_lists', $this->lists);
else {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, $result->response->Message, $result->http_status_code);
else {
return [];
return $this->lists;
* Gets list details from Campaign Monitor. This information is retrieved from
* the local cache and may be outdated. It fetches the unsubscribe link,
* confirmation success page and confirmed opt-in options.
* @param string $listId
* The Campaign Monitor list ID.
* @return mixed array | FALSE
* An array with the information or FALSE on failure.
public function getListDetails($listId) {
// If lists have not been loaded yet, get them as they build the basic
// cache.
if (empty($this->lists)) {
// Test that the listId is valid.
if (!isset($this->lists[$listId])) {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, t('Unknown list id @listID.', [
'@listID' => $listId,
return FALSE;
// If list details are not set, create list object and fetch the information
// from the Campaign Monitor servers.
if (!isset($this->lists[$listId]['details'])) {
if ($obj = $this
->createListObj($listId)) {
$result = $obj
if ($result
->was_successful()) {
// Convert the return object into a keyed array.
$this->lists[$listId]['details'] = [];
foreach ($result->response as $key => $value) {
if (!in_array($key, [
])) {
$this->lists[$listId]['details'][$key] = $value;
// Update the cache with list details.
->set('campaignmonitor_lists', $this->lists);
else {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, $result->response->Message, $result->http_status_code);
return FALSE;
else {
return FALSE;
return $this->lists[$listId]['details'];
* Fetch custom fields for a given list, then store this information locally
* in the list cache. The information is stored as a keyed array on the list
* array under the "CustomFields" key.
* @param string $listId
* The Campaign Monitor list ID.
* @return mixed array | FALSE
* An array with the information or FALSE on failure.
public function getCustomFields($listId) {
// If the lists have not been loaded yet, get them as they build the basic
// cache.
if (empty($this->lists)) {
// Test that the listId is valid.
if (!isset($this->lists[$listId])) {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, t('Unknown list id @listID.', [
'@listID' => $listId,
return FALSE;
// If custom fields are not set on the list, then create the list object and
// fetch custom fields into a keyed array.
if (!isset($this->lists[$listId]['CustomFields'])) {
if ($obj = $this
->createListObj($listId)) {
$result = $obj
if ($result
->was_successful()) {
$this->lists[$listId]['CustomFields'] = [];
foreach ($result->response as $field) {
foreach ($field as $name => $details) {
$this->lists[$listId]['CustomFields'][$field->Key][$name] = $details;
// Update cache with list details.
->set('campaignmonitor_lists', $this->lists);
else {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, $result->response->Message, $result->http_status_code);
else {
return FALSE;
return $this->lists[$listId]['CustomFields'];
* Get all information available about a given list. This is done by calling
* getLists(), getListDetails() and getCustomFields(), hence building the
* local list cache.
* @param string $listId
* The Campaign Monitor list ID.
* @return mixed array | FALSE
* An array containing the list information or FALSE on failure.
public function getExtendedList($listId) {
// If the lists have not been loaded yet, get them as they build the basic
// cache.
if (empty($this->lists)) {
// Test that the listId is valid.
if (!isset($this->lists[$listId])) {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, t('Unknown list id @listID.', [
'@listID' => $listId,
return FALSE;
// Load list details and custom fields (using is_array() since
// getCustomFields() may return an empty array).
if (!$this
->getListDetails($listId) || !is_array($this
->getCustomFields($listId))) {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, t('Could not retrieve extended information for @listID.', [
'@listID' => $listId,
return FALSE;
return $this->lists[$listId];
* Update remote list information. The options array should have the fields
* "Title", "UnsubscribePage", "ConfirmedOptIn" and "ConfirmationSuccessPage".
* If you do not wish to set these use an empty string.
* @param string $listId
* The Campaign Monitor list ID.
* @param array $options
* An array of options with information to update.
* @return bool
* TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
public function updateList($listId, $options = []) {
// Make sure that list is loaded.
if (!$this
->getListDetails($listId)) {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, t('Could not retrieve update list information for @listID.', [
'@listID' => $listId,
return FALSE;
// Get list object and update the list.
if ($obj = $this
->createListObj($listId)) {
// @todo: check that the options are correct.
$result = $obj
if ($result
->was_successful()) {
// Update local list cache.
$this->lists[$listId]['name'] = $options['Title'];
$this->lists[$listId]['details']['UnsubscribePage'] = $options['UnsubscribePage'];
$this->lists[$listId]['details']['ConfirmedOptIn'] = $options['ConfirmedOptIn'];
$this->lists[$listId]['details']['ConfirmationSuccessPage'] = $options['ConfirmationSuccessPage'];
// Update the cache.
->set('campaignmonitor_lists', $this->lists);
return TRUE;
else {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, $result->response->Message, $result->http_status_code);
return FALSE;
* Fetch stats about a given list, which includes number of subscribers and
* unsubscribers. This information is temporarily stored in the local cache.
* The default timeout is 360 seconds.
* @param string $listId
* The Campaign Monitor list ID.
* @return mixed array | FALSE
* An array containing the stats or FALSE on failure.
public function getListStats($listId) {
$fetch = FALSE;
if (!isset($this->listStats[$listId])) {
// Not found inside object, try the cache.
if (($cache = \Drupal::cache()
->get('campaignmonitor_list_stats')) && !empty($cache->data)) {
// Cache information found.
$this->listStats = $cache->data;
if (!isset($this->listStats[$listId])) {
// Not found inside cache either.
$fetch = TRUE;
else {
// No cache found or expired.
$fetch = TRUE;
if ($fetch) {
if ($obj = $this
->createListObj($listId)) {
// Get stats from Campaign Monitor.
$result = $obj
if ($result
->was_successful()) {
$this->listStats[$listId] = (array) $result->response;
// Update the cache.
->set('campaignmonitor_list_stats', $this->listStats, $this
else {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, $result->response->Message, $result->http_status_code);
return FALSE;
else {
return FALSE;
return $this->listStats[$listId];
* Delete a list from Campaign Monitor. This action can not be reverted. The
* list is also removed from the local cache.
* @param mixed $listId
* The Campaign Monitor list ID.
* @return bool
* TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
public function deleteList($listId) {
if ($obj = $this
->createListObj($listId)) {
$result = $obj
if ($result
->was_successful()) {
->set('campaignmonitor_lists', $this->lists, $this
return TRUE;
else {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, $result->response->Message, $result->http_status_code);
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
* Create a new list at the Campaign Monitor servers. The side-effect is that
* the local cache is cleared.
* @param string $title
* The title of the new list.
* @param string $unsubscribePage
* An optional page to redirect subscribers to when they unsubscribe.
* @param bool $confirmedOptIn
* Whether or not this list requires to confirm the subscription. Defaults
* to FALSE.
* @param string $confirmationSuccessPage
* An optional page to redirect subscribers to when they confirm their
* subscription.
* @return bool
* TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
public function createList($title, $unsubscribePage = '', $confirmedOptIn = FALSE, $confirmationSuccessPage = '') {
if ($obj = $this
->createListObj(NULL)) {
$result = $obj
->create($this->clientId, [
'Title' => SafeMarkup::checkPlain($title),
'UnsubscribePage' => SafeMarkup::checkPlain($unsubscribePage),
'ConfirmedOptIn' => $confirmedOptIn,
'ConfirmationSuccessPage' => SafeMarkup::checkPlain($confirmationSuccessPage),
if ($result
->was_successful()) {
// Clear the cache, so the list information can be retrieved again.
return TRUE;
else {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, $result->response->Message, $result->http_status_code);
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
* Get basic information about campaigns in the form of a keyed array. The
* information is stored locally in a temporary cache. The array is formatted
* like this:.
* $campaigns[$id] => array(
* 'Name' => 'Campaign Name',
* 'Subject' => 'Campaign subject line',
* 'Sent' => 'Unix timestamp',
* 'Recipients' => 'The number of recipients',
* 'Link' => 'Online URL to the campaign',
* );
* @return mixed array | FALSE
* An array with the campaigns or FALSE on failure.
public function getCampaigns() {
if (empty($this->campaigns)) {
if (($cache = \Drupal::cache()
->get('campaignmonitor_campaigns')) && !empty($cache->data)) {
// Cache information found.
$this->campaigns = $cache->data;
else {
if ($obj = $this
->createClientObj()) {
$result = $obj
if ($result
->was_successful()) {
// Build an array for each campaign returned.
foreach ($result->response as $campaign) {
$this->campaigns[$campaign->CampaignID] = [
'Name' => $campaign->Name,
'Subject' => $campaign->Subject,
'Sent' => strtotime($campaign->SentDate),
'Recipients' => $campaign->TotalRecipients,
'Link' => $campaign->WebVersionURL,
// Save campaigns in the cache.
->set('campaignmonitor_campaigns', $this->campaigns, $this
else {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, $result->response->Message, $result->http_status_code);
return FALSE;
else {
return FALSE;
return $this->campaigns;
* Get basic information about drafts in the form of a keyed array. The
* information is stored locally in a temporary cache. The array is formatted
* like this:.
* $drafts[$id] => array(
* 'Name' => 'Campaign Name',
* 'Subject' => 'Campaign subject line',
* 'Sent' => 'Unix timestamp',
* 'Recipients' => 'The number of recipients',
* 'Link' => 'Online URL to the campaign',
* );
* @return mixed array | FALSE
* An array with the drafts or FALSE on failure.
public function getDrafts() {
if (empty($this->drafts)) {
if (($cache = \Drupal::cache()
->get('campaignmonitor_drafts')) && !empty($cache->data)) {
// Cache information found.
$this->drafts = $cache->data;
else {
if ($obj = $this
->createClientObj()) {
$result = $obj
if ($result
->was_successful()) {
// Build an array for each campaign returned.
foreach ($result->response as $draft) {
$this->drafts[$draft->CampaignID] = [
'Name' => $draft->Name,
'Subject' => $draft->Subject,
'Created' => strtotime($draft->DateCreated),
'From' => $draft->FromName,
'Link' => $draft->PreviewURL,
// Save drafts in the cache.
->set('campaignmonitor_drafts', $this->drafts, $this
else {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, $result->response->Message, $result->http_status_code);
return FALSE;
else {
return FALSE;
return $this->drafts;
* Get values entered by the subscriber, when she/he subscribed to a given
* list.
* @param string $listId
* The unique Campaign Monitor list ID.
* @param string $email
* The e-mail address that identifies the subscriber.
* @return mixed array | FALSE
* An array containing subscriber information or FALSE on failure.
public function getSubscriber($listId, $email) {
$fetch = FALSE;
if (!isset($this->subscribers[$listId . $email])) {
// Not found inside object, try the cache.
if (($cache = \Drupal::cache()
->get('campaignmonitor_subscribers')) && !empty($cache->data)) {
// Cache information found.
$this->subscribers = $cache->data;
if (!isset($this->subscribers[$listId . $email])) {
// Not found inside cache either.
$fetch = TRUE;
else {
// No cache found or expired.
$fetch = TRUE;
if ($fetch) {
if ($obj = $this
->createSubscriberObj($listId)) {
$this->subscribers[$listId . $email] = [];
$result = $obj
if ($result
->was_successful()) {
foreach ($result->response as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 'CustomFields') {
// Convert the custom fields object into a keyed array.
$this->subscribers[$listId . $email][$key] = [];
foreach ($value as $field) {
// Check if the field has been set. If not, set the value.
if (!isset($this->subscribers[$listId . $email][$key][$field->Key])) {
$this->subscribers[$listId . $email][$key][$field->Key] = $field->Value;
elseif (!is_array($this->subscribers[$listId . $email][$key][$field->Key])) {
// If the field is not an array, assign an array to the field, containing the previous value of the field and this new value.
$this->subscribers[$listId . $email][$key][$field->Key] = [
$this->subscribers[$listId . $email][$key][$field->Key],
else {
$this->subscribers[$listId . $email][$key][$field->Key][] = $field->Value;
else {
$this->subscribers[$listId . $email][$key] = $value;
// Save the subscriber information in the cache.
->set('campaignmonitor_subscribers', $this->subscribers, $this
else {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, $result->response->Message, $result->http_status_code);
return [];
else {
return FALSE;
return $this->subscribers[$listId . $email];
* Check if a given user, identified by e-mail address, is subscribed to a
* given list.
* @param string $listId
* The unique Campaign Monitor list ID.
* @param string $email
* The user's e-mail address.
* @return bool
* TRUE if subscribed, FALSE if not.
public function isSubscribed($listId, $email) {
$result = $this
->getSubscriber($listId, $email);
if (!empty($result)) {
if ($result['State'] == 'Active') {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Remove subscribers from local cache. This forces the data to be fetched
* from Campaign Monitor at the next request. This function should be used in
* connection with updating subscriber information.
* @param mixed $listId
* The unique Campaign Monitor list ID.
* @param mixed $email
* The e-mail address to be removed from cache.
public function removeSubscriberFromCache($listId, $email) {
if (($cache = \Drupal::cache()
->get('campaignmonitor_subscribers')) && !empty($cache->data)) {
// Cache information found.
$this->subscribers = $cache->data;
if (isset($this->subscribers[$listId . $email])) {
// Subscriber found in the cache, so remove it.
unset($this->subscribers[$listId . $email]);
->set('campaignmonitor_subscribers', $this->subscribers, $this
* Subscribe a user to a given list, with information entered. If the user is
* already subscribed to the list, her/his information will be updated with
* the new values.
* @param string $listId
* The unique Campaign Monitor list ID.
* @param string $email
* The e-mail address that identifies the user.
* @param string $name
* Optionally the name of the user.
* @param array $customFields
* Optionally some custom fields that were defined in Campaign Monitor.
* @return bool
* TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
public function subscribe($listId, $email, $name = '', array $customFields = []) {
if ($obj = $this
->createSubscriberObj($listId)) {
$result = $obj
'EmailAddress' => $email,
'Name' => $name,
'CustomFields' => $customFields,
'Resubscribe' => TRUE,
if (!$result
->was_successful()) {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, $result->response->Message, $result->http_status_code);
return FALSE;
->removeSubscriberFromCache($listId, $email);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Unsubscribe a given user, identified by e-mail address, from a given list.
* @param string $listId
* The unique Campaign Monitor list ID.
* @param string $email
* The e-mail address that identifies the user.
* @return bool
* TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
public function unsubscribe($listId, $email) {
if ($obj = $this
->createSubscriberObj($listId)) {
$result = $obj
if (!$result
->was_successful()) {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, $result->response->Message, $result->http_status_code);
return FALSE;
->removeSubscriberFromCache($listId, $email);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Updates the subscriber e-mail address for a given list.
* @param array $listId
* The unique Campaign Monitor list ID.
* @param string $oldEmail
* The old e-mail address.
* @param string $email
* The new e-mail address.
public function updateSubscriberEmail($listId, $oldEmail, $email) {
if ($obj = $this
->createSubscriberObj($listId)) {
$result = $obj
->update($oldEmail, [
'EmailAddress' => $email,
'Resubscribe' => TRUE,
if (!$result
->was_successful()) {
->addError(WATCHDOG_ERROR, $result->response->Message, $result->http_status_code);
return FALSE;
// Remove the old e-mail address from the subscriber cache.
->removeSubscriberFromCache($listId, $oldEmail);
return TRUE;
* Clears all the caches used by this wrapper object.
public function clearCache() {
$caches = [
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected | property | ||
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected | property | ||
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected | property | ||
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected | property | Config settings. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected | property | ||
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected | property | ||
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected static | property | Holds the object instance (part of the singleton pattern). | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected | property | These variables are used as static cache for the object. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected | property | ||
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected | property | ||
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected | property | ||
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected | function | Add an error to the local stack and call watchdog, if logging is enabled. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
constant | Used to load the different library parts of the API. | ||
CampaignMonitor:: |
constant | |||
CampaignMonitor:: |
constant | |||
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Clears all the caches used by this wrapper object. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected | function | Create API client object. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Create a new list at the Campaign Monitor servers. The side-effect is that the local cache is cleared. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected | function | Create API list object. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected | function | Create API subscribers object. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Delete a list from Campaign Monitor. This action can not be reverted. The list is also removed from the local cache. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected | function | Create a UNIX timestamp based on the cache timeout set in the administration interface. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Get basic information about campaigns in the form of a keyed array. The information is stored locally in a temporary cache. The array is formatted like this:. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public static | function | Implements a singleton pattern that returns an instance of this object. The function requires Campaign Monitor account keys to create the connection. These keys can be found at the Campaign Monitor homepage and should be entered in the administration… | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Fetch custom fields for a given list, then store this information locally in the list cache. The information is stored as a keyed array on the list array under the "CustomFields" key. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Get basic information about drafts in the form of a keyed array. The information is stored locally in a temporary cache. The array is formatted like this:. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Returns the internal error array with the format below. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Get all information available about a given list. This is done by calling getLists(), getListDetails() and getCustomFields(), hence building the local list cache. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Returns the latest error from the stack of possible errors encountered during communication with Campaign Monitor servers. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Gets list details from Campaign Monitor. This information is retrieved from the local cache and may be outdated. It fetches the unsubscribe link, confirmation success page and confirmed opt-in options. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Gets all lists from Campaign Monitor found under the client ID given during object creation. The list is returned as a keyed array and cached in the cache table, so it may not always return the newest information. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Fetch stats about a given list, which includes number of subscribers and unsubscribers. This information is temporarily stored in the local cache. The default timeout is 360 seconds. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Get values entered by the subscriber, when she/he subscribed to a given list. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Check if a given user, identified by e-mail address, is subscribed to a given list. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Remove subscribers from local cache. This forces the data to be fetched from Campaign Monitor at the next request. This function should be used in connection with updating subscriber information. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Resets the internal error array to an empty array. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Subscribe a user to a given list, with information entered. If the user is already subscribed to the list, her/his information will be updated with the new values. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Unsubscribe a given user, identified by e-mail address, from a given list. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Update remote list information. The options array should have the fields "Title", "UnsubscribePage", "ConfirmedOptIn" and "ConfirmationSuccessPage". If you do not wish to set these use an empty string. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
public | function | Updates the subscriber e-mail address for a given list. | |
CampaignMonitor:: |
protected | function | Private class constructor, which prevents creation of this class directly. Use the static function CampaignMonitor::GetConnector(). | 1 |