Get basic information about campaigns in the form of a keyed array. The
information is stored locally in a temporary cache. The array is formatted
like this:.
Fetch custom fields for a given list, then store this information locally
in the list cache. The information is stored as a keyed array on the list
array under the "CustomFields" key.
Get basic information about drafts in the form of a keyed array. The
information is stored locally in a temporary cache. The array is formatted
like this:.
Get all information available about a given list. This is done by calling
getLists(), getListDetails() and getCustomFields(), hence building the
local list cache.
Gets list details from Campaign Monitor. This information is retrieved from
the local cache and may be outdated. It fetches the unsubscribe link,
confirmation success page and confirmed opt-in options.
Gets all lists from Campaign Monitor found under the client ID given during
object creation. The list is returned as a keyed array and cached in the
cache table, so it may not always return the newest information.
Fetch stats about a given list, which includes number of subscribers and
unsubscribers. This information is temporarily stored in the local cache.
The default timeout is 360 seconds.
Subscribe a user to a given list, with information entered. If the user is
already subscribed to the list, her/his information will be updated with
the new values.
Update remote list information. The options array should have the fields
"Title", "UnsubscribePage", "ConfirmedOptIn" and "ConfirmationSuccessPage".
If you do not wish to set these use an empty string.