class cmfcCalendarV1 in Calendar Systems 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.2 calendar/v1/ \cmfcCalendarV1
- 5 calendar/v1/ \cmfcCalendarV1
- 6.3 calendar/v1/ \cmfcCalendarV1
- 6 calendar/v1/ \cmfcCalendarV1
- 7.3 calendar/v1/ \cmfcCalendarV1
- 7 calendar/v1/ \cmfcCalendarV1
- 7.2 calendar/v1/ \cmfcCalendarV1
- class \cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone
- class \cmfcCalendarV1
Expanded class hierarchy of cmfcCalendarV1
1 string reference to 'cmfcCalendarV1'
- cmfcCalendarV1::factory in calendar/
- calendar/
v1/, line 25
View source
class cmfcCalendarV1 extends cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone {
var $_name;
var $_language;
var $_timeZoneName;
var $_timeZoneInfo;
var $_defaultError = CMF_CalendarV1_Error;
var $_messagesValue = array(
CMF_CalendarV1_Ok => 'no error',
CMF_CalendarV1_Error => 'unkown error',
CMF_CalendarV1_Does_No_Exsists => 'template "%internalName%" does not exists',
function __construct($options) {
function getPlugins() {
$dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/calendarSystems';
$dh = opendir($dir);
$plugins = array();
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
if (strpos($filename, '') !== false) {
$plugin = str_replace('', '', $filename);
$plugins[$plugin] = array(
'name' => $plugin,
return $plugins;
static function factory($options) {
if (isset($options['name'])) {
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
$className = 'cmfcCalendarV1' . ucfirst($options['name']);
$file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/calendarSystems/' . $options['name'] . '';
if (!class_exists($className)) {
require_once $file;
return new $className($options);
else {
return new cmfcCalendarV1(array());
function setOption($name, $value, $merge = false) {
if ($name == 'timeZoneOffset') {
return parent::setOption($name, $value, $merge);
function setTimeZoneOffset($offset) {
if (!empty($offset) && is_string($offset)) {
list($hour, $minute) = explode(':', $offset);
$offset = abs($hour) * 60 * 60 + $minute * 60;
if ($hour < 0) {
$offset = $offset * -1;
$this->_timeZoneInfo['offset'] = $offset;
function infoArrayToTimestamp($arr) {
function timestampToInfoArray($var = NULL) {
function gregorianStrToTimestamp($str) {
return strtotime($str);
function timestampToStr($format, $timestamp = null) {
if (is_null($timestamp)) {
$timestamp = $this
return $this
->date($format, $timestamp);
function strToTimestamp($string) {
return $this
* For supporting timezone , use this class date and time functions like phpDate
function countDown($infoArray) {
$toTimestamp = $this
$fromTimestamp = $this
$r = $this
->dateTimeDiff($toTimestamp, $fromTimestamp);
$r['toTimestamp'] = $toTimestamp;
$r['fromTimestamp'] = $fromTimestamp;
return $r;
function infoArrayToInfoArray($array) {
$ts = $this
return $this
function phpGetDate($timestamp = null) {
if (is_null($timestamp)) {
if (!empty($this->_timeZoneInfo)) {
$timestamp = time() + $this->_timeZoneInfo['offset'];
$r = array(
'seconds' => gmdate('s', $timestamp),
'minutes' => gmdate('i', $timestamp),
'hours' => gmdate('H', $timestamp),
'mday' => gmdate('d', $timestamp),
'wday' => gmdate('w', $timestamp),
'mon' => gmdate('m', $timestamp),
'year' => gmdate('Y', $timestamp),
'yday' => gmdate('z', $timestamp),
'weekday' => gmdate('l', $timestamp),
'month' => gmdate('M', $timestamp),
'0' => $timestamp,
else {
$timestamp = time();
$r = getdate($timestamp);
else {
$r = getdate($timestamp);
return $r;
function phpDate($format, $timestamp = null) {
if (is_null($timestamp) or empty($timestamp)) {
if (!empty($this->_timeZoneInfo)) {
$timestamp = time() + $this->_timeZoneInfo['offset'];
$r = gmdate($format, $timestamp);
else {
$timestamp = time();
$r = gmdate($format, $timestamp);
else {
if (!empty($this->_timeZoneInfo)) {
$r = gmdate($format, $timestamp);
else {
$r = date($format, $timestamp);
return $r;
function phpTime() {
if (!empty($this->_timeZoneInfo)) {
$timestamp = time() + $this->_timeZoneInfo['offset'];
else {
$timestamp = time();
return $timestamp;
function getYmdwMonthAsNavigationalArray($options) {
if (empty($options['columnsHorizontal'])) {
$options['columnsHorizontal'] = 6;
if (empty($options['columnsVertical'])) {
$options['columnsVertical'] = 5;
if (isset($options['secondaryCalendar'])) {
$secondaryCalendar = self::factory(array(
'name' => $options['secondaryCalendar'],
$table = array();
$currentMonth = $this
if (is_null($options['year'])) {
$options['year'] = $currentMonth['year'];
if (is_null($options['month'])) {
$options['month'] = $currentMonth['month'];
if (is_null($options['day'])) {
$options['day'] = 1;
else {
$selectedDay = $options['day'];
$previousMonth = $this
'year' => $options['year'],
'month' => $options['month'] - 1,
'day' => $options['day'],
$activeMonth = $this
'year' => $options['year'],
'month' => $options['month'],
'day' => $options['day'],
$nextMonth = $this
'year' => $options['year'],
'month' => $options['month'] + 1,
'day' => $options['day'],
$table['currentMonth'] = $currentMonth;
$table['activeMonth'] = $activeMonth;
$table['nextMonth'] = $nextMonth;
$table['previousMonth'] = $previousMonth;
foreach ($this->_weeksName as $x => $weekName) {
//for ($x=1;$x<=$options['columnsHorizontal'];$x++) {
$table['weekDays'][$x] = array(
'number' => $x,
'name' => $weekName,
'shortName' => '',
$dayNumber = 1;
$monthStarted = false;
for ($y = 1; $y <= $options['columnsVertical']; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= $options['columnsHorizontal']; $x++) {
$value = array();
//echo $activeMonth['monthFirstDayWeekday'].'-'.$x.'<br />';
if (($x == $activeMonth['monthFirstDayWeekday'] or $y > 1 or $monthStarted == true) and $dayNumber <= $activeMonth['monthDaysNumber']) {
$monthStarted = true;
$value['status'] = array();
$value['day'] = $dayNumber;
if ($dayNumber == $selectedDay) {
$value['status'][] = 'selected';
if ($dayNumber == $currentMonth['day'] and $currentMonth['month'] == $activeMonth['month'] and $currentMonth['year'] == $activeMonth['year']) {
$value['status'][] = 'today';
if (in_array($x, $this->_weekDaysHoliday)) {
$value['status'][] = 'holiday';
if (isset($secondaryCalendar)) {
$__activeMonth = $activeMonth;
$__activeMonth['day'] = $dayNumber;
$value['secondaryCalendar'] = $secondaryCalendar
if ($y == 5 and $x == 6 and $activeMonth['monthDaysNumber'] > $dayNumber) {
$table['days'][$y][$x] = $value;
return $table;
* Date : 15-12-2003.
* Ref: Dates go in "2003-12-31".
* Ref: Times go in "12:59:13".
* Ref: parent::mktime(HOUR,MIN,SEC,MONTH,DAY,YEAR).
* Splits the dates into parts, to be reformatted for parent::mktime.
* $first_datetime = getdate($first_datetime);
* $second_datetime = getdate($second_datetime);
* makes the dates and times into unix timestamps.
* $first_unix = parent::mktime($first_datetime['hours'], $first_time_ex[1], $first_time_ex[2], $first_date_ex[1], $first_date_ex[2], $first_date_ex[0]);
* $second_unix = parent::mktime($second_time_ex[0], $second_time_ex[1], $second_time_ex[2], $second_date_ex[1], $second_date_ex[2], $second_date_ex[0]);
* Gets the difference between the two unix timestamps.
function dateTimeDiff($endTimestamp, $startTimestamp) {
$timediff = $endTimestamp - $startTimestamp;
// Works out the days, hours, mins and secs.
$daysTotal = floor($timediff / (24 * 60 * 60));
$remain = $timediff % (24 * 60 * 60);
$hours = floor($remain / (60 * 60));
$remain = $remain % (60 * 60);
$mins = floor($remain / 60);
$remain = $remain % 60;
$secs = $remain;
// Returns a pre-formatted string. Can be chagned to an array.
$result['daysTotal'] = $daysTotal;
$result['hours'] = $hours;
$result['minutes'] = $mins;
$result['seconds'] = $secs;
return $result;
* Placeholder for smartGet function.
function smartGet($format, $timestamp = NULL) {
if (!$timestamp) {
$timestamp = time();
return $this
->phpDate($format, $timestamp);
* convert seconds to days,hours,minuts,seconds as array
* @param integer $seconds
* @return array
function secondsToDays($seconds) {
$days = intval($seconds / 86400);
$remain = $seconds % 86400;
$hours = intval($remain / 3600);
$remain = $remain % 3600;
$mins = intval($remain / 60);
$secs = $remain % 60;
$r = array(
'days' => $days,
'hours' => $hours,
'minutes' => $mins,
'seconds' => $secs,
return $r;
function getStrings() {
return array();
* $replacements['00username00']='jafar gholi';
function replaceVariables($replacements, $text) {
foreach ($replacements as $needle => $replacement) {
$text = str_replace($needle, $replacement, $text);
return $text;
* For backward compatibility with PHP 4.x - 5.1
function mktime($hour = NULL, $minute = NULL, $second = NULL, $month = NULL, $day = NULL, $year = NULL, $is_dst = -1) {
if (is_null($hour)) {
$hour = date('J');
if (is_null($minute)) {
$minute = date('i');
if (is_null($second)) {
$second = date('s');
if (is_null($month)) {
$month = date('n');
if (is_null($day)) {
$day = date('j');
if (is_null($year)) {
$year = date('Y');
if (class_exists('DateTime')) {
$date = new DateTime();
->setDate($year, $month, $day);
->setTime($hour, $minute, $second);
return $date
else {
return mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year, $is_dst);
* Get list of translatable strings
function getAllStrings() {
$plugins = $this
$strings = array();
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
$calendar = self::factory($plugin);
$_strings = $calendar
if (isset($_strings['meridiemsName'])) {
foreach ($_strings['meridiemsName'] as $num => $var) {
$_strings['meridiemsName'][$num][0] = $_strings['meridiemsName'][$num]['am'];
$_strings['meridiemsName'][$num][1] = $_strings['meridiemsName'][$num]['pm'];
if (isset($_strings['meridiemsShortName'])) {
foreach ($_strings['meridiemsShortName'] as $num => $var) {
$_strings['meridiemsShortName'][$num][0] = $_strings['meridiemsShortName'][$num]['am'];
$_strings['meridiemsShortName'][$num][1] = $_strings['meridiemsShortName'][$num]['pm'];
$strings = array_merge_recursive($strings, $_strings);
return $strings;
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
property |
Overrides cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
property |
Overrides cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
property |
Overrides cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
property | |||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
property | |||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
property | |||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | * For supporting timezone , use this class date and time functions like phpDate | ||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | Date : 15-12-2003. | 1 | |
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
static | function | ||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | * Get list of translatable strings | ||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | |||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | 5 | ||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | |||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | |||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | |||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | 5 | ||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | * For backward compatibility with PHP 4.x - 5.1 | ||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | |||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | |||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | |||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | $replacements['00username00']='jafar gholi'; | ||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | convert seconds to days,hours,minuts,seconds as array | ||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function |
* @NOTICE child classed definition should apply the byReference version of function
* Overrides cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | |||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | Placeholder for smartGet function. | 4 | |
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | 4 | ||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | 5 | ||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | 4 | ||
cmfcCalendarV1:: |
function | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
property | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
property | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
property | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
property | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
property | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
property | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
property | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
property | * Log object used for error logging by ErrorStack * * * @access public | ||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
property | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
property | * | ||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
property | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | * @example * <code> * $object->addCommandHandler('commandName','functionName') * $object->addCommandHandler('commandName',array(&$myObject,'methodName')) * </code> | ||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | Register the reference to an object object | ||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | * there is no __construct function in php4 or down , so this function is solution , now it's possible * for all chid of this base class to have __construct functions * | ||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | * This function calculates the base location of package in filesystem and in browser * This is a critical function for other packages to work properly * By default it points to the real path when symlinks are used * * Site with subdomain… | ||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | * works fine in both php4 & 5. but you should use & when you call the function. $b=&$ins->getOption('property') | ||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
public static | function | ||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | Calls the update() function using the reference to each registered observer - used by children of Observable | ||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | raise an error @example <code> return $this->raiseError('', CMF_Language_Error_Unknown_Short_Name, * CMF_ERROR_RETURN,NULL, * array('shortName'=>$shortName) * ); </code> | ||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | * fill all of object variables with their default values except $base_properties * $base_properties=array('local_language_name','db','event_system','configurations','table_name_prefix'); *… | ||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | memento design pattern will load the object previous state @todo - should become complete | ||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | * @example * <code> * $this->runCommand('sendEmailAfterActivation',$columnsValues); * </code> | ||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | memento design pattern will clone the object for adding undo ability. @todo - should become complete | ||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | * @NOTICE child classed definition should apply the byReference version of function * to pass by reference to work correctly * @NOTICE $options[$name] is require for PHP4,PHP5 compatibility * | ||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function | |||
cmfcClassesCoreStandAlone:: |
function |