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calendar-month-multiple-entity.tpl.php in Calendar 7.3

Template to display a summary of the days items as a calendar month entity.

See also



View source

 * @file
 * Template to display a summary of the days items as a calendar month entity.
 * @see template_preprocess_calendar_month_multiple_entity.
<div class="view-item view-item-<?php

print $view->name;
  <div class="calendar monthview" id="<?php

print $curday;

foreach ($ids as $id) {

  if ($view->date_info->style_max_items_behavior != 'more') {

    // print theme('calendar_stripe_stripe', $id);


    <div class="view-item <?php

// print views_css_safe('view-item-'. $view->name);

if ($view->date_info->style_max_items_behavior != 'more') {
        <div class="multiple-events">

  print l(t('Click to see all @count events', array(
    '@count' => $count,
  )), $link);

else {
      <div class="calendar-more"><?php

  print l(t('more'), $link);
