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calendar-mini.tpl.php in Calendar 6.2

Template to display a view as a mini calendar month.

$day_names: An array of the day of week names for the table header. $rows: An array of data for each day of the week. $view: The view. $min_date_formatted: The minimum date for this calendar in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. $max_date_formatted: The maximum date for this calendar in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

$show_title: If the title should be displayed. Normally false since the title is incorporated into the navigation, but sometimes needed, like in the year view of mini calendars.

See also



View source

 * @file
 * Template to display a view as a mini calendar month.
 * @see template_preprocess_calendar_mini.
 * $day_names: An array of the day of week names for the table header.
 * $rows: An array of data for each day of the week.
 * $view: The view.
 * $min_date_formatted: The minimum date for this calendar in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
 * $max_date_formatted: The maximum date for this calendar in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
 * $show_title: If the title should be displayed. Normally false since the title is incorporated
 *   into the navigation, but sometimes needed, like in the year view of mini calendars.

//dsm('Display: '. $display_type .': '. $min_date_formatted .' to '. $max_date_formatted);
<div class="calendar-calendar"><div class="month-view">

if ($view->date_info->show_title) {

  print theme('date_navigation', $view);
<table class="mini">

foreach ($day_names as $cell) {
        <th class="<?php

  print $cell['class'];

  print $cell['data'];


foreach ((array) $rows as $row) {

  foreach ($row as $cell) {
          <td class="<?php

    print $cell['class'];
    ?> <?php

    print $cell['id'];

    print $cell['data'];

