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calendar-day-node.tpl.php in Calendar 7


View source

 * @file
 * Template to display a view item as a calendar day node.
 * $node 
 *   A node object for this calendar item. Note this is
 *   not a complete node object, but it will have $node->nid
 *   that you can use to load the full object, and
 *   $node->type to tell the content type of the node.
 * $fields
 *   An array of information for every field selected in the 'Fields'
 *   section of this view, formatted as requested in the View setup.
 * Calendar info for this individual calendar item is in local time --
 * the user timezone where configurable timezones are allowed and set,
 * otherwise the site timezone. If this item has extends over more than
 * one day, it has been broken apart into separate nodes for each calendar
 * date and calendar_start will be no earlier than the start of
 * the current day and calendar_end will be no later than the end
 * of the current day.
 * $calendar_start - A formatted datetime start date for this item.
 *   i.e. '2008-05-12 05:26:15'.
 * $calendar_end - A formatted datetime end date for this item,
 *   the same as the start date except for fields that have from/to
 *   fields defined, like Date module dates. 
 * $calendar_start_date - a PHP date object for the start time.
 * $calendar_end_date - a PHP date object for the end time.
 * You can use PHP date functions on the date object to display date
 * information in other ways, like:
 *   print date_format($calendar_start_date, 'l, j F Y - g:ia');
 * @see template_preprocess_calendar_day_node.
$node_class = isset($node->class) ? ' ' . $node->class : '';
<div class="item<?php

print $node_class;
  <div class="view-item view-item-<?php

print $view->name;
    <div class="calendar dayview">

print theme('calendar_stripe_stripe', array(
  'node' => $node,
      <div class="<?php

print $node->date_id;
?> contents">

foreach ($fields as $field) {
        <div id="<?php

  print $field['id'];
  ?>" class="view-field view-data-<?php

  print $field['id'];

  if ($field['label']) {
            <div class="view-label-<?php

    print $field['id'];

    print $field['label'];


  print $field['data'];
