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calendar-datebox.tpl.php in Calendar 7.2

Template to display the date box in a calendar.

  • $view: The view.
  • $granularity: The type of calendar this box is in -- year, month, day, or week.
  • $mini: Whether or not this is a mini calendar.
  • $class: The class for this box -- mini-on, mini-off, or day.
  • $day: The day of the month.
  • $date: The current date, in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
  • $link: A formatted link to the calendar day view for this day.
  • $url: The url to the calendar day view for this day.
  • $selected: Whether or not this day has any items.
  • $items: An array of items for this day.


View source

 * @file 
 * Template to display the date box in a calendar.
 * - $view: The view.
 * - $granularity: The type of calendar this box is in -- year, month, day, or week.
 * - $mini: Whether or not this is a mini calendar.
 * - $class: The class for this box -- mini-on, mini-off, or day.
 * - $day:  The day of the month.
 * - $date: The current date, in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
 * - $link: A formatted link to the calendar day view for this day.
 * - $url:  The url to the calendar day view for this day.
 * - $selected: Whether or not this day has any items.
 * - $items: An array of items for this day.
<div class="<?php

print $granularity;
?> <?php

print $class;
?>"> <?php

print !empty($selected) ? $link : $day;
?> </div>