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6 calls to calendar_real_url() in Calendar 5.2

calendar_get_url in ./calendar.module
An alternative to views_get_url() that will correctly substitute replacement values like $group or $node.
calendar_page_url in ./calendar.module
Identify the base url of the page, needed when the calendar is embedded so we don't set the url to the calendar url.
calendar_views_query_alter in ./calendar.module
Implementation of hook_views_query() Insert filters into the query based on the current calendar view and the selected fields Used when the actual view arguments don't provide enough info to construct the query. i.e. on a view with no arguments…
theme_calendar_nav_title in ./calendar.theme
Theme the navigation bar title
theme_calendar_views_calendar in ./calendar.theme
Calendar Views plugin theme, overrides default views theme to create a calendar view.
_calendar_views_query_alter in ./
@file All the code used while processing a calendar is stored in this file and is included only when needed.