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function _cacheflush_clear_preset_clear_table in CacheFlush 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 \_cacheflush_clear_preset_clear_table()

Function to clear cache from a specific table.


string $table: Table name.

array $settings: Preset setting with cache clear functions.

1 call to _cacheflush_clear_preset_clear_table()
_cacheflush_clear_preset in ./
Based on settings decide witch clear cache function to be called.


./, line 52
Cacheflusher module inc file with dinamic clear cache functions.


function _cacheflush_clear_preset_clear_table($table, $settings) {

  // If is advanced preset clear by settings else clear all table.
  if (isset($settings['query'])) {
    cache_clear_all($settings['query']['cid'], $settings['query']['table'], $settings['query']['wildcard'] ? TRUE : FALSE);
  else {
    cache_clear_all('*', $table, TRUE);