function _button_field_build_element in Button Field 7
Builds the renderable array for a button field widget.
string $id: Id for the field element.
array $field: The field being rendered.
array $instance: The instance of the field being rendered.
string $entity_type: The type of entity that the button field is being rendered for.
stdClass $entity: The entity that the button field is being rendered for.
Return value
array Renderable array of the button form element.
2 calls to _button_field_build_element()
- button_field_field_formatter_view in ./
button_field.module - Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
- button_field_field_widget_form in ./
button_field.module - Implements hook_field_widget_form().
- ./
button_field.module, line 393 - Defines a field, widget and formatter for the button field type.
function _button_field_build_element($id, $field, $instance, $entity_type, $entity) {
$class = array(
if (isset($instance['additional_class'])) {
$class = array_merge($classes, explode(' ', $instance['additional_class']));
// Check for confirmation message and build js settings if appropriate.
if (isset($field['settings']['confirmation']) && !empty($field['settings']['confirmation'])) {
// Add the script that will handle the confirmation before making the ajax
// callback.
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'button_field') . '/js/button_field.js');
// Build the settings and add them to the page.
$class[] = 'button_field_confirm';
$settings[$id] = array(
'confirmation' => $field['settings']['confirmation'],
drupal_add_js($settings, 'setting');
$element = array(
'#type' => 'button',
'#id' => $id,
'#name' => $id,
'#attributes' => array(
'class' => $class,
'#value' => isset($instance['widget']['settings']['text']) ? $instance['widget']['settings']['text'] : $instance['label'],
// Button elements do not obey the #description index, so we need to add
// our own suffix here.
'#suffix' => '<div class="description">' . (!empty($instance['description']) ? $instance['description'] : '') . '</div>',
'#entity_type' => $entity_type,
'#entity' => $entity,
'#ajax' => array(
'callback' => 'button_field_callback_ajax',
// If this is an image button then we need to set the type appropriatly as
// well as the image source.
if ('button_field_image' == $instance['widget']['type']) {
$element['#type'] = 'image_button';
$element['#src'] = $instance['widget']['settings']['image_path'];
return $element;