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class BusinessRulesAction in Business Rules 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.x src/Annotation/BusinessRulesAction.php \Drupal\business_rules\Annotation\BusinessRulesAction

Defines a Business rules Action item annotation object.


Expanded class hierarchy of BusinessRulesAction

See also


Plugin API

26 classes are annotated with BusinessRulesAction
ActionSet in src/Plugin/BusinessRulesAction/ActionSet.php
Class ActionSet.
AddNodeToGroupAction in modules/br_group/src/Plugin/BusinessRulesAction/AddNodeToGroupAction.php
Class AddNodeToGroupAction.
AddRoleToUser in src/Plugin/BusinessRulesAction/AddRoleToUser.php
Class AddRoleToUser.
AddUserToGroupAction in modules/br_group/src/Plugin/BusinessRulesAction/AddUserToGroupAction.php
Class AddUserToGroupAction.
AssignRoleToUserAction in modules/br_group/src/Plugin/BusinessRulesAction/AssignRoleToUserAction.php
Class AssignRoleToUserAction.

... See full list


src/Annotation/BusinessRulesAction.php, line 13


View source
class BusinessRulesAction extends BusinessRulesItem {



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
BusinessRulesItem::$description public property A human readable description of the item.
BusinessRulesItem::$group public property The group of the item to be organized in the list box.
BusinessRulesItem::$hasTargetBundle public property If the item has target bundle.
BusinessRulesItem::$hasTargetEntity public property If the item need a target entity.
BusinessRulesItem::$hasTargetField public property If the condition has target field.
BusinessRulesItem::$id public property The plugin ID.
BusinessRulesItem::$isContextDependent public property If the item depends on context.
BusinessRulesItem::$label public property The label of the plugin.
BusinessRulesItem::$reactsOnIds public property The reactsOn ids applicable for the item.
Plugin::$definition protected property The plugin definition read from the class annotation. 1
Plugin::get public function Gets the value of an annotation. Overrides AnnotationInterface::get 5
Plugin::getClass public function Gets the class of the annotated class. Overrides AnnotationInterface::getClass
Plugin::getId public function Gets the unique ID for this annotated class. Overrides AnnotationInterface::getId
Plugin::getProvider public function Gets the name of the provider of the annotated class. Overrides AnnotationInterface::getProvider
Plugin::parse protected function Parses an annotation into its definition.
Plugin::setClass public function Sets the class of the annotated class. Overrides AnnotationInterface::setClass
Plugin::setProvider public function Sets the name of the provider of the annotated class. Overrides AnnotationInterface::setProvider
Plugin::__construct public function Constructs a Plugin object. 2