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function bundle_inherit_uninstall in Bundle Inherit 7

Implements hook_uninstall().

We should remove 'locked' state from all inherited fields instances.

@todo Maybe some better way to implement this function exists (talking about performance). But anyway we are getting info about instances from cache so I think that this implementation is more stable and logicaly loocking.


./bundle_inherit.install, line 73
Bundle Inherit module install file.


function bundle_inherit_uninstall() {
  $records = db_select('bundle_inherit', 'bi')
  foreach ($records as $record) {
    $instances = field_info_instances($record->entity_type, $record->bundle_parent);
    foreach ($instances as $instance) {
      $inherited_instance = field_info_instance($record->entity_type, $instance['field_name'], $record->bundle);
      $inherited_instance['locked'] = FALSE;