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CircleBuildHookTest.php in Build Hooks 8.2


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namespace Drupal\Tests\build_hooks_circleci\Kernel;

use Drupal\build_hooks\TriggerInterface;
use Drupal\build_hooks\Entity\FrontendEnvironment;
use Drupal\build_hooks\Trigger;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormState;
use Drupal\Tests\build_hooks\Kernel\BuildHooksKernelTestBase;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;

 * Defines a class for testing circle CI build hooks module.
 * @group build_hooks_circleci
class CircleBuildHookTest extends BuildHooksKernelTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

   * Tests default settings.
  public function testDefaultSettings() {
      ->assertSame('', $this

   * Tests deployment hooks.
  public function testDeploymentHooks() {
    $api_key = $this
      ->set('circleci_api_key', $api_key)
    $project = $this
    $branch = $this
    $expected_url = '' . $project . '/build?circle-token=' . $api_key;
    $request = $this
      ->assertFrontendEnvironmentBuildHook('circleci', TriggerInterface::DEPLOYMENT_STRATEGY_ENTITYSAVE, $expected_url, [
      'project' => $project,
      'branch' => $branch,
      'branch' => $branch,
    ]), (string) $request

   * Tests deployment hooks for version 2.
  public function testDeploymentHooksV2() {
    $project = $this
    $branch = $this
    $parameter_name = $this
    $parameter_value = $this
    $api_key = $this
    $expected_url = '' . $project . '/pipeline';
    $request = $this
      ->assertFrontendEnvironmentBuildHook('circleciv2', Trigger::DEPLOYMENT_STRATEGY_ENTITYSAVE, $expected_url, [
      'project' => $project,
      'type' => 'branch',
      'reference' => $branch,
      'parameters' => [
          'name' => $parameter_name,
          'value' => $parameter_value,
          'type' => 'string',
          'name' => 'param2',
          'value' => '2',
          'type' => 'integer',
          'name' => 'param3',
          'value' => '0',
          'type' => 'boolean',
          'name' => 'param4',
          'value' => 'true',
          'type' => 'boolean',
      'token' => $api_key,
      'branch' => $branch,
      'parameters' => [
        $parameter_name => $parameter_value,
        'param2' => 2,
        'param3' => FALSE,
        'param4' => TRUE,
    ]), (string) $request
    ], $request
      'Basic ' . base64_encode($api_key . ':'),
    ], $request
      ->assertEquals('POST', $request

   * Tests deployment info.
  public function testDeploymentInfo() {
    $directory = dirname(__FILE__, 3) . '/fixtures';
      ->mockClient(new Response('200', [], file_get_contents($directory . '/builds.json')), new Response('200', [], file_get_contents($directory . '/workflow-1.json')), new Response('200', [], file_get_contents($directory . '/workflow-2.json')), new Response('200', [], file_get_contents($directory . '/workflow-3.json')), new Response('200', [], file_get_contents($directory . '/workflow-4.json')), new Response('200', [], file_get_contents($directory . '/workflow-5.json')), new Response('200', [], file_get_contents($directory . '/builds.json')), new Response('500', [], json_encode([])), new Response('500', [], json_encode([])), new Response('500', [], json_encode([])), new Response('500', [], json_encode([])), new Response('500', [], json_encode([])), new Response('500', [], json_encode([])));
    $title = $this

    /** @var \Drupal\build_hooks\Entity\FrontendEnvironment $environment */
    $project = 'foo/bar';
    $environment = FrontendEnvironment::create([
      'id' => 'foo',
      'label' => $title,
      'settings' => [
        'provider' => 'build_hooks_circleci',
        'project' => $project,
        'type' => 'branch',
        'reference' => 'master',
        'parameters' => [],
        'token' => '12345678910',
      'plugin' => 'circleciv2',
      'deployment_strategy' => Trigger::DEPLOYMENT_STRATEGY_CRON,

    /** @var \Drupal\build_hooks\Plugin\FrontendEnvironmentInterface $plugin */
    $plugin = $environment
    $extra = $plugin
      ->getAdditionalDeployFormElements(new FormState())['builds'];
    $expected_url = '' . $project . '/pipeline/mine?branch=master';
    $request = reset($this->history)['request'];
      ->assertEquals($expected_url, (string) $request
      ->assertEquals('table', $extra['#type']);
      ->assertCount(5, $extra['#rows']);
    $row = reset($extra['#rows']);
      ->assertEquals('', $row[3]['data']['#url']
      ->assertEquals('Success', $row[2]);
      ->assertEquals('Canceled', end($extra['#rows'])[2]);

    // Now with error handling - workflows fail.
    $extra = $plugin
      ->getAdditionalDeployFormElements(new FormState())['builds'];
    foreach ($extra['#rows'] as $row) {
        ->assertEquals('Could not get workflows', $row[2]);

    // Now with error handling - jobs fail.
    $extra = $plugin
      ->getAdditionalDeployFormElements(new FormState());
      ->assertEquals('Could not get list of recent builds', (string) $extra['error']['#markup']);



Namesort descending Description
CircleBuildHookTest Defines a class for testing circle CI build hooks module.