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README.txt in BUEditor 7

This directory contains custom library files(js or css) that extend bueditor functionality.
In editor settings you can add these files into editor library in this format:

Do not edit these files and do not put your custom libraries here because:
  - They may get lost when you update the module
  - They won't be included in editor import/export operations

Instead, store all custom or edited libraries in a new directory under your files path.
Then in editor settings you can include them in this format:


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  1. This directory contains custom library files(js or css) that extend bueditor functionality.
  2. In editor settings you can add these files into editor library in this format:
  3. %BUEDITOR/library/popup.js
  4. %BUEDITOR/library/popup.css
  5. Do not edit these files and do not put your custom libraries here because:
  6. - They may get lost when you update the module
  7. - They won't be included in editor import/export operations
  8. Instead, store all custom or edited libraries in a new directory under your files path.
  9. Then in editor settings you can include them in this format:
  10. %FILES/custom-directory/custom.js
  11. %FILES/custom-directory/custom.css