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7 calls to bueditor_path_tr() in BUEditor 6.2

bueditor_editor_theme in admin/
Editor form theming.
bueditor_get_library in ./
Get an array of js and css files defined in editor library.
bueditor_save_import in admin/
Save imported editor data. Save icons and library files into specified editor path.
bueditor_sprite_buttons in admin/
Create an icon sprite for a set of buttons.
bueditor_update_6200 in ./bueditor.install
6.x-1.x to 6.x-2.x Change {bueditor_editors}.librarypath field type from varchar to text. It now stores file paths rather than a directory path.
bueditor_varexport_editor in admin/
Generate an importable editor string including icon and library files.
_bueditor_settle in ./
Include necessary js and css files for editor settlement.