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public function BrowscapImporter::import in Browscap 8.3

Helper function to update the browscap data.


BrowscapEndpoint $browscap: The endpoint service for Browscap.

bool $cron: Optional import environment. If false, display status messages to the user in addition to logging information with the watchdog.

Return value

int A code indicating the result:

  • BROWSCAP_IMPORT_OK: New data was imported.
  • BROWSCAP_IMPORT_NO_NEW_VERSION: No new data version was available.
  • BROWSCAP_IMPORT_VERSION_ERROR: Checking the current data version failed.
  • BROWSCAP_IMPORT_DATA_ERROR: The data could not be downloaded or parsed.
1 call to BrowscapImporter::import()
BrowscapImportTest::testImport in src/Tests/BrowscapImportTest.php
Tests importing then querying Browscap data.


src/BrowscapImporter.php, line 72


Class BrowscapImporter.




public function import(BrowscapEndpoint $browscap, $cron = TRUE) {
  $config = $this->config

   * Check if there is a new version
  $local_version = $config
    ->notice('Checking for new browscap version...');
  $current_version = $browscap

  // Was it an error?
  if ($current_version == BrowscapImporter::BROWSCAP_IMPORT_VERSION_ERROR) {

    // Display a message to the user if the update process was triggered
    // manually.
    if ($cron == FALSE) {
        ->t("Couldn't check version."), 'error');
    return BrowscapImporter::BROWSCAP_IMPORT_VERSION_ERROR;

  // Compare the current and local version numbers to determine if the
  // Browscap data requires updating.
  if ($current_version == $local_version) {

    // Log a message with the watchdog.
      ->info('No new version of browscap to import');

    // Display a message to user if the update process was triggered manually.
    if ($cron == FALSE) {
        ->t('No new version of browscap to import'));
    return BrowscapImporter::BROWSCAP_IMPORT_NO_NEW_VERSION;

   * If there is a new version retrieve the new data
  $browscap_data = $browscap

  // Process the browscap data.
  $result = $this

  // If it's not an array, it's an error.
  if ($result != static::BROWSCAP_IMPORT_OK) {
    return $result;

  // Clear the browscap data cache.

  // Update the browscap version and imported time.
    ->set('version', $current_version)
    ->set('imported', REQUEST_TIME)

  // Log a message with the watchdog.
    ->notice('New version of browscap imported: %version', [
    '%version' => $current_version,

  // Display a message to user if the update process was triggered manually.
  if ($cron == FALSE) {
      ->t('New version of browscap imported: %version', [
      '%version' => $current_version,
  return static::BROWSCAP_IMPORT_OK;