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function _record_user_agent in Browscap 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 \_record_user_agent()

Helper function to record a user agent().


boolean $skip_futher_recording: Optional flag to denote if user agent monitoring should be skipped for the rest of the page request. If true, monitoring will be disabled.

boolean $bypass_monitoring: Optional flag to denote if the current user has permission to bypass monitoring

2 calls to _record_user_agent()
browscap_exit in ./browscap.module
Implementation of hook_exit().
browscap_init in ./browscap.module
Implements hook_init().


./, line 16
Browscap user agent recording functions.


function _record_user_agent($skip_futher_recording = FALSE, $bypass_monitoring = FALSE) {

  // Create a static variable to track the status of user agent monitoring for
  // the entire page request
  static $record_user_agent = TRUE;

  // Record the current user agent if recording and logging are enabled and the
  // user does not have permission to bypass monitoring
  if ($record_user_agent == TRUE && $bypass_monitoring != TRUE && variable_get('browscap_enable_user_agent_log', FALSE) == TRUE) {

    // Get browscap data about the current user agent
    $user_agent = browscap_get_browser();

    // Assume that the parent is unknown until proven otherwise
    $parent = t('Unknown');

    // Identify the parent using browscap data
    // Otherwise, use the USER_AGENT header from the current request
    if (!empty($user_agent['parent'])) {
      $parent = substr(check_plain(trim($user_agent['parent'])), 0, 255);
    elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
      $parent = substr(check_plain(trim($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])), 0, 255);

    // Assume that the user agent is not a crawler until proven otherwise
    $is_crawler = 0;

    // Determine if the user agent is a crawler using browscap data
    // Otherwise, assume that the user agent isn't a crawler
    if (!empty($user_agent['crawler'])) {
      $is_crawler = check_plain(trim($user_agent['crawler']));

    // Record the user agent in the database
    db_query("UPDATE {browscap_statistics} SET counter = counter + 1, is_crawler=%d WHERE parent='%s'", $is_crawler, $parent);

    // If no rows were affected then this is the first time that the current user agent has been encountered
    if (!db_affected_rows()) {

      // Create a new row to store counters for the user agent
      db_query("INSERT INTO {browscap_statistics} (parent,counter,is_crawler) VALUES('%s', 1, %d)", $parent, $is_crawler);

  // Change the status of user agent monitoring when necessary
  if ($skip_futher_recording == TRUE) {

    // Disable user agent monitoring for the rest of the page request
    $record_user_agent = FALSE;