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8 string references to 'browscap.settings' in Browscap 8.3

BrowscapAdmin::buildForm in src/Form/BrowscapAdmin.php
Form constructor.
BrowscapAdmin::getEditableConfigNames in src/Form/BrowscapAdmin.php
Gets the configuration names that will be editable.
BrowscapEndpoint::getBrowscapData in src/BrowscapEndpoint.php
Gets latest Browscap data.
BrowscapEndpoint::getVersion in src/BrowscapEndpoint.php
Gets version of latest Browscap data.
BrowscapImporter::import in src/BrowscapImporter.php
Helper function to update the browscap data.
BrowscapImportTest::testImport in src/Tests/BrowscapImportTest.php
Tests importing then querying Browscap data.
browscap_cron in ./browscap.module
Implements hook_cron().
MockBrowscapEndpoint::getVersion in src/Tests/MockBrowscapEndpoint.php
Gets version of latest Browscap data.