class BrightcoveSubscription in Brightcove Video Connect 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.2 src/Entity/BrightcoveSubscription.php \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveSubscription
- 3.x src/Entity/BrightcoveSubscription.php \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveSubscription
Defines the Brightcove Subscription entity.
- class \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveSubscription implements BrightcoveSubscriptionInterface
Expanded class hierarchy of BrightcoveSubscription
10 files declare their use of BrightcoveSubscription
- brightcove.install in ./
brightcove.install - Brightcove install file.
- brightcove.module in ./
brightcove.module - Brightcove module.
- BrightcoveAPIClientDeleteForm.php in src/
Form/ BrightcoveAPIClientDeleteForm.php - BrightcoveAPIClientForm.php in src/
Form/ BrightcoveAPIClientForm.php - BrightcoveSubscriptionController.php in src/
Controller/ BrightcoveSubscriptionController.php
- src/
Entity/ BrightcoveSubscription.php, line 14
Drupal\brightcove\EntityView source
class BrightcoveSubscription implements BrightcoveSubscriptionInterface {
* Internal BrightcoveSubscription ID of the entity.
* @var int
protected $id;
* Brightcove Subscription ID of the entity.
* @var string
protected $bcsid;
* Status of the Subscription.
* @var bool
protected $status = TRUE;
* Indicates default subscription for the client.
* @var bool
protected $default = FALSE;
* The Brightcove API Client.
* @var \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveAPIClient
protected $apiClient;
* The notifications endpoint.
* @var string
protected $endpoint;
* Array of events subscribed to.
* @var string[]
protected $events;
* Drupal database connection.
* @var \Drupal\core\Database\Connection
protected $connection;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function isActive() {
if ($this->default) {
return $this->status;
return TRUE;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function isDefault() {
return $this->default;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function isNew() {
return empty($this->id);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getApiClient() {
return !empty($this->apiClient) ? $this->apiClient : NULL;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getBcSid() {
return $this->bcsid;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getEndpoint() {
return $this->endpoint;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getEvents() {
return $this->events;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getId() {
return $this->id;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setApiClient($apiClient) {
$this->apiClient = $apiClient;
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setBcSid($bcsid) {
$this->bcsid = $bcsid;
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setEndpoint($endpoint) {
$this->endpoint = $endpoint;
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setEvents(array $events) {
$this->events = $events;
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setStatus($status) {
if ($this->default) {
$this->status = $status;
return $this;
throw new \Exception('Not possible to set status of a non-default Subscription.');
* Initializes the BrightcoveSubscription Entity object.
* @param bool $is_default
* Whether this subscription should be default or not. There is be only one
* per API client.
public function __construct($is_default = FALSE) {
$this->id = NULL;
$this->default = $is_default;
$this->connection = \Drupal::getContainer()
* Loads the entity by a given field and value.
* @param string $field
* The name of the field.
* @param string|int $value
* The field's value that needs to be checked to get a specific
* subscription.
* @return \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveSubscription|null
* The default Brightcove Subscription for the given API client or NULL if
* not found.
* @throws \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\Exception\BrightcoveSubscriptionException
* If the field is not valid.
protected static function loadByField($field, $value) {
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection $connection */
$connection = \Drupal::getContainer()
$query = $connection
->select('brightcove_subscription', 'bs')
switch ($field) {
case 'bcsid':
->condition('bs.bcsid', $value);
case 'default':
->condition('bs.api_client_id', $value)
->condition('bs.is_default', 1);
case 'endpoint':
->condition('bs.endpoint', $value);
case 'id':
->condition('', $value);
throw new BrightcoveSubscriptionException('Invalid field type.');
$result = $query
if (empty($result)) {
$result = [];
else {
// Unserialize events.
$result['events'] = unserialize($result['events']);
return self::createFromArray($result);
* Loads the default subscription by API Client ID.
* @param \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveAPIClient $api_client
* Loaded API Client entity.
* @return \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveSubscription|null
* The default Brightcove Subscription for the given API client or NULL if
* not found.
* @throws \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\Exception\BrightcoveSubscriptionException
public static function loadDefault(BrightcoveAPIClient $api_client) {
return self::loadByField('default', $api_client
* Loads the entity by it's internal Drupal ID.
* @param int $id
* The internal Drupal ID of the entity.
* @return \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveSubscription|null
* Loaded BrightcoveSubscription entity, or NULL if not found.
* @throws \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\Exception\BrightcoveSubscriptionException
public static function load($id) {
return self::loadByField('id', $id);
* Loads multiple BrightcoveSubscription entities.
* @param string[] $order_by
* Fields to order by:
* - key: the name of the field.
* - value: the order direction.
* @return \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveSubscription[]
* Returns loaded Brightcove Subscription entity objects keyed by ID or an
* empty array if there are none.
public static function loadMultiple(array $order_by = [
'is_default' => 'DESC',
'endpoint' => 'ASC',
]) {
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection $connection */
$connection = \Drupal::getContainer()
$query = $connection
->select('brightcove_subscription', 'bs')
// Set orders.
foreach ($order_by as $field => $direction) {
->orderBy($field, $direction);
$brightcove_subscriptions = $query
->fetchAllAssoc('id', \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$loaded_brightcove_subscriptions = [];
foreach ($brightcove_subscriptions as $id => $brightcove_subscription) {
$brightcove_subscription['events'] = unserialize($brightcove_subscription['events']);
$loaded_brightcove_subscriptions[$id] = BrightcoveSubscription::createFromArray($brightcove_subscription);
return $loaded_brightcove_subscriptions;
* Load Subscriptions for a given API client.
* @param \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveAPIClient $api_client
* Loaded API client.
* @return \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveSubscription[]
* Returns loaded Brightcove Subscription entity objects keyed by ID or an
* empty array if there are none.
public static function loadMultipleByApiClient(BrightcoveAPIClient $api_client) {
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection $connection */
$connection = \Drupal::getContainer()
$brightcove_subscriptions = $connection
->select('brightcove_subscription', 'bs')
->condition('api_client_id', $api_client
->fetchAllAssoc('id', \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$loaded_brightcove_subscriptions = [];
foreach ($brightcove_subscriptions as $id => $brightcove_subscription) {
$brightcove_subscription['events'] = unserialize($brightcove_subscription['events']);
$loaded_brightcove_subscriptions[$id] = BrightcoveSubscription::createFromArray($brightcove_subscription);
return $loaded_brightcove_subscriptions;
* Loads entity by it's Brightcove Subscription ID.
* @param string $bcsid
* Brightcove ID of the subscription.
* @return \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveSubscription|null
* Loaded BrightcoveSubscription entity, or NULL if not found.
* @throws \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\Exception\BrightcoveSubscriptionException
public static function loadByBcSid($bcsid) {
return self::loadByField('bcsid', $bcsid);
* Load a Subscription by its endpoint.
* @param string $endpoint
* The endpoint.
* @return \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveSubscription|null
* The Subscription with the given endpoint or NULL if not found.
* @throws \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\Exception\BrightcoveSubscriptionException
public static function loadByEndpoint($endpoint) {
return self::loadByField('endpoint', $endpoint);
* Creates a BrightcoveSubscription entity from an array.
* @param array $data
* Array that contains information about the entity.
* Values:
* - id (int): Internal Drupal identifier, it will be ignored when saving
* the entity.
* - bcsid (string): Brightcove Subscription entity identifier.
* - api_client_id (string): API Client ID.
* - endpoint (string): Endpoint callback URL, required.
* - events (string[]): Events list, eg.: video-change, required.
* - is_default (bool): Whether the current Brightcove Subscription is
* default or not. Will be ignored for local entity
* update.
* - status (bool): Indicates whether a subscription is enabled or
* disabled. An existing non-default subscription is
* always enabled, only default subscriptions can be set
* to disabled.
* @return \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveSubscription|null
* The initialized BrightcoveSubscription entity object, or null if the
* $data array is empty.
public static function createFromArray(array $data) {
if (!empty($data) && !empty($data['api_client_id'])) {
$api_client = BrightcoveAPIClient::load($data['api_client_id']);
$brightcove_subscription = (new BrightcoveSubscription())
if (isset($data['id'])) {
$brightcove_subscription->id = (int) $data['id'];
if (isset($data['bcsid'])) {
$brightcove_subscription->bcsid = $data['bcsid'];
if (isset($data['is_default'])) {
$brightcove_subscription->default = (bool) $data['is_default'];
if (isset($data['status'])) {
$brightcove_subscription->status = (bool) $data['status'];
return $brightcove_subscription;
return NULL;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @param bool $upload
* Whether to upload the new subscription to Brightcove or not.
public function save($upload = FALSE) {
// Fields to insert or update.
$fields = [
'api_client_id' => $this
'endpoint' => $this
'events' => serialize($this
$fields += [
'bcsid' => !empty($this->bcsid) ? $this
->getBcSid() : NULL,
$fields += [
'status' => $this
->isDefault() ? (int) $this
->isActive() : 1,
// Save new entity.
if ($this
->isNew()) {
// Try to get a default subscription.
$default_subscription = self::loadDefault($this->apiClient);
$default_endpoint = BrightcoveUtil::getDefaultSubscriptionUrl();
// Check whether we already have a default subscription for the API client
// and throw an exception if one already exists.
if ($this
->isDefault() && !empty($default_subscription)) {
throw new BrightcoveSubscriptionException(strtr('Default subscription already exists for the :api_client API Client.', [
':api_client' => $this->apiClient
elseif (empty($default_subscription) && $this
->getEndpoint() == $default_endpoint) {
$this->default = TRUE;
// Create subscription on Brightcove only if the entity is new, as for now
// it is not possible to update existing subscriptions.
if ($upload) {
// Insert Brightcove Subscription into the database.
->fields($fields + [
'is_default' => (int) $this
elseif (!$upload) {
->condition('id', $this
else {
throw new BrightcoveSubscriptionException('An already existing subscription cannot be updated!');
* Saves the subscription entity to Brightcove.
* @throws \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\Exception\BrightcoveSubscriptionException
* If the Subscription wasn't saved to Brightcove successfully.
public function saveToBrightcove() {
try {
// Get CMS API.
$cms = BrightcoveUtil::getCmsApi($this->apiClient
if ($is_default = $this
->isDefault()) {
// Make sure that when the default is enabled, always use the correct
// URL.
$default_endpoint = BrightcoveUtil::getDefaultSubscriptionUrl();
if ($this->endpoint != $default_endpoint) {
// Create subscription.
$subscription_request = new SubscriptionRequest();
$new_subscription = $cms
// If it's a default subscription update the local entity to enable it.
if ($is_default) {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
watchdog_exception('brightcove', $e, $e
throw new BrightcoveSubscriptionException($e
->getMessage(), $e
->getCode(), $e);
* {@inheritdoc}
* @param bool $local_only
* If TRUE delete the local Subscription entity only, otherwise delete the
* subscription from Brightcove as well.
public function delete($local_only = TRUE) {
->condition('id', $this->id)
if (!$local_only) {
* Delete the Subscription from Brightcove only.
* @throws \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\Exception\BrightcoveSubscriptionException
* @throws \Exception
public function deleteFromBrightcove() {
try {
$cms = BrightcoveUtil::getCmsApi($this->apiClient
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// In case of the subscription cannot be found on Brightcove, just ignore,
// otherwise throw an exception.
if ($e
->getCode() != 404) {
$message = 'Failed to delete Subscription with @endpoint endpoint (ID: @bcsid).';
$replacement = [
'@endpoint' => $this
'@bcsid' => $this
watchdog_exception('brightcove', $e, $message, $replacement);
throw new BrightcoveSubscriptionException(strtr($message, $replacement), $e
->getCode(), $e);
// In case of a default subscription set status to disabled and unset the
// Brightcove ID.
if ($this
->isDefault()) {
* Create or update a Subscription entity.
* @param \Brightcove\Object\Subscription $subscription
* Subscription object from Brightcove.
* @param \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveAPIClient|null $api_client
* Loaded API client entity, or null.
* @throws \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\Exception\BrightcoveSubscriptionException
* @throws \Exception
public static function createOrUpdate(Subscription $subscription, BrightcoveAPIClient $api_client = NULL) {
/** @var \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveSubscription $brightcove_subscription */
$brightcove_subscription = self::loadByEndpoint($subscription
// If there is no Subscription by the endpoint, try to get one by its ID.
if (empty($brightcove_subscription)) {
/** @var \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveSubscription $subscription */
$brightcove_subscription = self::loadByBcSid($subscription
// Create new subscription if needed.
if (empty($brightcove_subscription)) {
$brightcove_subscription = new BrightcoveSubscription();
$brightcove_subscription->bcsid = $subscription
/** @var \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveAPIClient $api_client */
if (!empty($api_client)) {
else {
$needs_save = FALSE;
// Update ID.
if (($bcsid = $subscription
->getId()) != $brightcove_subscription
->getBcSid()) {
$needs_save = TRUE;
// In case of an inactive default subscription set status to TRUE.
if ($brightcove_subscription
->isDefault() && !$brightcove_subscription
->isActive()) {
$needs_save = TRUE;
// Update endpoint.
if (($endpoint = $subscription
->getEndpoint()) != $brightcove_subscription
->getEndpoint()) {
$needs_save = TRUE;
// Update events.
$events = $subscription
if (!is_array($events)) {
$events = [
if ($events != $brightcove_subscription
->getEvents()) {
$needs_save = TRUE;
// Save the Subscription if needed.
if ($needs_save) {
* Counts local subscriptions.
* @return int|null
* Number of the available local subscriptions entities.
public static function count() {
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection $connection */
$connection = \Drupal::getContainer()
return $connection
->select('brightcove_subscription', 'bs')
* Get all available subscriptions from Brightcove.
* @param \Drupal\brightcove\BrightcoveAPIClientInterface $api_client
* API Client entity.
* @return \Brightcove\Object\Subscription[]
* List of subscriptions or null of there are none.
public static function listFromBrightcove(BrightcoveAPIClientInterface $api_client) {
$subscriptions =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
if (is_null($subscriptions)) {
$cms = BrightcoveUtil::getCmsApi($api_client
$subscriptions = $cms
return $subscriptions;
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
protected | property | The Brightcove API Client. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
protected | property | Brightcove Subscription ID of the entity. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
protected | property | Drupal database connection. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
protected | property | Indicates default subscription for the client. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
protected | property | The notifications endpoint. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
protected | property | Array of events subscribed to. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
protected | property | Internal BrightcoveSubscription ID of the entity. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
protected | property | Status of the Subscription. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public static | function | Counts local subscriptions. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public static | function | Creates a BrightcoveSubscription entity from an array. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public static | function | Create or update a Subscription entity. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function | ||
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function | Delete the Subscription from Brightcove only. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function |
Returns the API Client ID. Overrides BrightcoveSubscriptionInterface:: |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function |
Returns the Brightcove Subscription ID. Overrides BrightcoveSubscriptionInterface:: |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function |
Returns the Subscription endpoint. Overrides BrightcoveSubscriptionInterface:: |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function |
Returns subscribed events. Overrides BrightcoveSubscriptionInterface:: |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function |
Gets the Subscription's Drupal ID. Overrides BrightcoveSubscriptionInterface:: |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function |
The status of the Subscription. Overrides BrightcoveSubscriptionInterface:: |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function |
Whether the Subscription is default or not. Overrides BrightcoveSubscriptionInterface:: |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function |
Determines whether an entity is new or not. Overrides BrightcoveSubscriptionInterface:: |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public static | function | Get all available subscriptions from Brightcove. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public static | function | Loads the entity by it's internal Drupal ID. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public static | function | Loads entity by it's Brightcove Subscription ID. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public static | function | Load a Subscription by its endpoint. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
protected static | function | Loads the entity by a given field and value. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public static | function | Loads the default subscription by API Client ID. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public static | function | Loads multiple BrightcoveSubscription entities. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public static | function | Load Subscriptions for a given API client. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function | ||
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function | Saves the subscription entity to Brightcove. | |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function |
Sets the API Client ID. Overrides BrightcoveSubscriptionInterface:: |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function |
Sets the Brightcove Subscription ID. Overrides BrightcoveSubscriptionInterface:: |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function |
Set the endpoint for the subscription. Overrides BrightcoveSubscriptionInterface:: |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function |
Sets the events for which we want to subscribe. Overrides BrightcoveSubscriptionInterface:: |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function |
Set the entity's status. Overrides BrightcoveSubscriptionInterface:: |
BrightcoveSubscription:: |
public | function | Initializes the BrightcoveSubscription Entity object. |