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class MigrateBrightcoveFieldHandler in Brightcove Video Connect 7.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.7 \MigrateBrightcoveFieldHandler
  2. 7.6 \MigrateBrightcoveFieldHandler

Primary value passed to this field is the entity id.

Subfields are used to specify all the other values: 'brightcove id' - the brightcove asset id 'player' - the brightcove player machine name

  ->addFieldMapping('field_brightcove_field:brightcove_id', '');
  ->addFieldMapping('field_brightcove_field:player', '');


Expanded class hierarchy of MigrateBrightcoveFieldHandler

1 string reference to 'MigrateBrightcoveFieldHandler'
brightcove_field_migrate_api in brightcove_field/brightcove_field.module


brightcove_field/, line 15

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class MigrateBrightcoveFieldHandler extends MigrateFieldHandler {
  public function __construct() {
  public function fields($type, $instance, $migration = NULL) {
    $fields['brightcove_id'] = t('Subfield: The brightcove asset id');
    $fields['player'] = t('Subfield: The brightcove player machine name');
    return $fields;
  public function prepare($entity, array $field_info, array $instance, array $values) {
    $arguments = array();
    if (isset($values['arguments'])) {
      $arguments = array_filter($values['arguments']);
    $language = $this
      ->getFieldLanguage($entity, $field_info, $arguments);

    // Setup the standard Field API array for saving.
    $delta = 0;
    foreach ($values as $value) {
      if (isset($arguments['brightcove_id'])) {
        if (is_array($arguments['brightcove_id'])) {
          $item['brightcove_id'] = $arguments['brightcove_id'][$delta];
        else {
          $item['brightcove_id'] = $arguments['brightcove_id'];
      else {
        $item['brightcove_id'] = 0;
      if (isset($arguments['player'])) {
        if (is_array($arguments['player'])) {
          $item['player'] = $arguments['player'][$delta];
        else {
          $item['player'] = $arguments['player'];
      else {
        $item['player'] = 0;
      $item['choice'] = $value;
      if (is_array($language)) {
        $current_language = $language[$delta];
      else {
        $current_language = $language;
      $return[$current_language][] = $item;
    return isset($return) ? $return : NULL;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
MigrateBrightcoveFieldHandler::fields public function
MigrateBrightcoveFieldHandler::prepare public function
MigrateBrightcoveFieldHandler::__construct public function Overrides MigrateHandler::__construct
MigrateFieldHandler::getFieldLanguage function Determine the language of the field.
MigrateHandler::$dependencies protected property List of other handler classes which should be invoked before the current one.
MigrateHandler::$typesHandled protected property List of "types" handled by this handler. Depending on the kind of handler, these may be destination types, field types, etc.
MigrateHandler::getDependencies public function
MigrateHandler::getTypesHandled public function
MigrateHandler::handlesType public function Does this handler handle the given type? 1
MigrateHandler::registerTypes protected function Register a list of types handled by this class