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function template_preprocess_brightcove_cck_lightbox2 in Brightcove Video Connect 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 brightcove_cck/ \template_preprocess_brightcove_cck_lightbox2()

Template preprocess for brightcove_cck_lightbox2 theme file. Suggest templates based on a field and type name.

1 string reference to 'template_preprocess_brightcove_cck_lightbox2'
brightcove_cck_theme in brightcove_cck/brightcove_cck.module
Implementation of hook_theme().


brightcove_cck/, line 101
Formatters for video CCK field.


function template_preprocess_brightcove_cck_lightbox2(&$vars) {
  $vars['template_files'] = array(
    'brightcove-cck-lightbox2--' . $vars['image_field'],
    'brightcove-cck-lightbox2--' . $vars['field_name'] . '--' . $vars['image_field'],
    'brightcove-cck-lightbox2--' . $vars['type_name'] . '--' . $vars['field_name'] . '--' . $vars['image_field'],