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brightcove-cck-player.tpl.php in Brightcove Video Connect 6

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  1. 6.2 brightcove_cck/brightcove-cck-player.tpl.php

brightcove-cck-player.tpl.php Default theme implementation to play Brightcove video.

This template is used when viewing a Brightcove video with a default formatter, standard video player.

Available variables:

  • $player: Video player HTML code.
  • $video_id: Video ID from Media API.


View source

 * @file brightcove-cck-player.tpl.php
 * Default theme implementation to play Brightcove video.
 * This template is used when viewing a Brightcove video with a default
 * formatter, standard video player.
 * Available variables:
 *   - $player: Video player HTML code.
 *   - $video_id: Video ID from Media API.
 * @see theme_brightcove_cck_formatter_default()


if ($player) {
  echo $player;