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function breakpoint_load in Breakpoints 8

Load one breakpoint by its identifier.

@todo Remove this in a follow-up issue.


int $id: The id of the breakpoint to load.

Return value

Drupal\breakpoint\Breakpoint The entity object, or FALSE if there is no entity with the given id.

See also

3 calls to breakpoint_load()
BreakpointCrudTest::testBreakpointCrud in lib/Drupal/breakpoint/Tests/BreakpointCrudTest.php
Test CRUD operations for breakpoints.
BreakpointGroup::loadAllBreakpoints in lib/Drupal/breakpoint/BreakpointGroup.php
Load all breakpoints, remove non-existing ones.
BreakpointTestBase::verifyBreakpoint in lib/Drupal/breakpoint/Tests/BreakpointTestBase.php
Verify that a breakpoint is properly stored.


./breakpoint.module, line 365
Manage breakpoints and breakpoint groups for responsive designs.


function breakpoint_load($id) {
  return entity_load('breakpoint', $id);