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function _breadcrumb_manager_get_options in Breadcrumb Manager 7

Helper function: retrieve link options


int $total: The total number of breadcrumb segments.

int $current: The current segment index.

Return value

array An array of options needed to set the active class.

1 call to _breadcrumb_manager_get_options()
breadcrumb_manager_set_breadcrumb in ./breadcrumb_manager.module
Magic function: Evaluates correct breadcrumb from the given path.


./breadcrumb_manager.module, line 156
Code for Breadcrumb Manager module.


function _breadcrumb_manager_get_options($total, $current) {
  $options = array(
    'html' => TRUE,
  if ($total == $current + 1) {
    $options['attributes']['class'][] = 'active';
  return $options;