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_README.txt in Brainstorm profile 7

Example Layout Plugins

If you are NOT developing a page layout plugin you can safely delete this
entire directory from your sub-theme.

Page Layouts

If you are developing a page layout plugin see the developer notes in:


There are many code comments in the file.

You can enable the "naked" example layout plugin by uncommenting the
info file entry in your subthemes info file. Look for:

  ; plugins[page_layout][layouts] = layouts/page
Remove the semicolon to uncomment and clear the cache.

Panels Layouts

If you are developing a Panels layout plugin see the developer notes in:


There are many code comments in the file.

You can enable the example Panels plugin by uncommenting the
info file entry in your subthemes info file. Look for:

  ; plugins[panels][layouts] = layouts/panels

Remove the semicolon to uncomment and clear the cache.


View source
  1. Example Layout Plugins
  2. ----------------------
  3. If you are NOT developing a page layout plugin you can safely delete this
  4. entire directory from your sub-theme.
  5. Page Layouts
  6. ------------
  7. If you are developing a page layout plugin see the developer notes in:
  8. at_core/layouts/core/_README.txt
  9. There are many code comments in the file.
  10. You can enable the "naked" example layout plugin by uncommenting the
  11. info file entry in your subthemes info file. Look for:
  12. ; plugins[page_layout][layouts] = layouts/page
  13. Remove the semicolon to uncomment and clear the cache.
  14. Panels Layouts
  15. --------------
  16. If you are developing a Panels layout plugin see the developer notes in:
  17. at_core/layouts/panels/_README.txt
  18. There are many code comments in the file.
  19. You can enable the example Panels plugin by uncommenting the
  20. info file entry in your subthemes info file. Look for:
  21. ; plugins[panels][layouts] = layouts/panels
  22. Remove the semicolon to uncomment and clear the cache.