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abstract class boxes_box in Boxes 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 plugins/ \boxes_box

Abstract base class defining a box. A boxes content plugin provides a form of options for configuring content and renders content for display.


Expanded class hierarchy of boxes_box

See also


1 string reference to 'boxes_box'
boxes_boxes_plugins in ./boxes.module
Implements hook_boxes_plugins().


plugins/, line 9

View source
abstract class boxes_box {
  static $boxes;

  // Static cache of box objects.
  public $delta;
  public $title;
  public $description;
  public $options;
  public $plugin_key;
  public $new;
  public $export_type;

   * Load existing box by its unique identifier $delta.
  public static function load($delta, $reset = FALSE) {
    if (!isset(self::$boxes[$delta]) || $reset) {
      $box = ctools_export_load_object('box', 'names', array(
      if (!empty($box) && ($values = array_pop($box))) {
        self::$boxes[$delta] = self::factory($values->plugin_key, $values);
        self::$boxes[$delta]->new = FALSE;
    return isset(self::$boxes[$delta]) && get_class(self::$boxes[$delta]) != 'stdClass' ? self::$boxes[$delta] : NULL;

   * Instantiate, populate and return a box object.
   * @param $plugin_key
   * @param $values
   *   An array with at least a plugin_key key identifying the plugin class to
   *   use for instantiating this box.
  public static function factory($plugin_key, $values) {
    if ($class = ctools_plugin_load_class('boxes', 'plugins', $plugin_key, 'handler')) {

      // While we actually prefer to get objects, we need to allow for either,
      // so we convert it all to arrays.
      if (is_object($values)) {
        $values = (array) $values;
      $box = new $class();
      $box->plugin_key = $plugin_key;
      foreach ($box as $key => $value) {
        if (isset($values[$key])) {
          $box->{$key} = $values[$key];
      foreach ($box
        ->options_defaults() as $key => $value) {
        if (isset($values[$key])) {
          $box->options[$key] = $values[$key];
      return $box;
    return FALSE;

   * Create a new box.
  protected function __construct() {
    $this->new = TRUE;

    // A box is new unless it exists in the DB or in code.
    $this->options = $this

   * Reset the boxes cache.
   * Both ctools and boxes current maintain caches, ctools of the config and
   * boxes of the loaded box objects. We clear them both.
  public static function reset() {
    self::$boxes = array();

   * Save a box.
  public function save() {
    if (empty($this->delta)) {
      throw new Exception(t('Cannot save box without a specified delta.'));
    $existing = boxes_box_load($this->delta);
    if ($existing && $existing->export_type & EXPORT_IN_DATABASE) {
      drupal_write_record('box', $this, array(
    else {
      drupal_write_record('box', $this);
    $this->new = FALSE;
    module_exists('context') ? context_invalidate_cache() : NULL;

   * Delete a box.
  public function delete() {
      ->condition('delta', $this->delta)
    module_exists('context') ? context_invalidate_cache() : NULL;

   * Declare if the box should use a multistep form for the create form.
   * This might me necessary for forms that use ajax on the options form.
   * Currently Context does not load this block correctly and the ajax in the
   * form will not work. Methinks Context UI Editor needs to be upgraded to
   * D7 AJAX framework for this to not be required. That said the functionality
   * is potentially useful even with proper functioning AJAX.
  public function use_multistep_create() {
    return FALSE;

   * Returns the block cache settings for this box. Subclasses can override this
   * to perform more intricate operations around deciding the cache settings of
   * the specific box instance.
  public function cache_setting() {

   * Declare default options.
  public abstract function options_defaults();

   * Provide options to configure content.
  public abstract function options_form(&$form_state);

   * Render a block. Must return an array with the keys
   * 'delta', 'title', 'subject' (same as title) and 'content'.
   * title AND subject need to be present to avoid that block module overrides
   * title.
  public abstract function render();



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
boxes_box::$boxes static property
boxes_box::$delta public property
boxes_box::$description public property
boxes_box::$export_type public property
boxes_box::$new public property
boxes_box::$options public property
boxes_box::$plugin_key public property
boxes_box::$title public property
boxes_box::cache_setting public function Returns the block cache settings for this box. Subclasses can override this to perform more intricate operations around deciding the cache settings of the specific box instance.
boxes_box::delete public function Delete a box.
boxes_box::factory public static function Instantiate, populate and return a box object.
boxes_box::load public static function Load existing box by its unique identifier $delta.
boxes_box::options_defaults abstract public function Declare default options. 1
boxes_box::options_form abstract public function Provide options to configure content. 1
boxes_box::render abstract public function Render a block. Must return an array with the keys 'delta', 'title', 'subject' (same as title) and 'content'. 1
boxes_box::reset public static function Reset the boxes cache.
boxes_box::save public function Save a box.
boxes_box::use_multistep_create public function Declare if the box should use a multistep form for the create form.
boxes_box::__construct protected function Create a new box.