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Functions in Boxes 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
boxes_access_admin ./boxes.module Access check for whether current user should be able to administer boxes. 4
boxes_add_form ./ Generate form for creating new boxes. 1
boxes_add_form_submit ./ Submit handler for box_add_form.
boxes_add_js ./boxes.module Add JavaScript to the page. 2
boxes_block ./boxes.module Implementation of hook_block(). 2
boxes_block_delete_submit ./boxes.module 1
boxes_boxes_load_alter ./boxes.module Implementation of hook_boxes_load_alter().
boxes_boxes_plugins ./boxes.module Implementation of hook_boxes_plugins().
boxes_box_form ./boxes.module Common element of the box form 2 2
boxes_box_form_submit ./boxes.module Submit handler for the inline form.
boxes_context_block_info_alter ./boxes.module Implementation of hook_context_block_info_alter().
boxes_create_hash ./boxes.module Create a hash for a block id. 1
boxes_ctools_plugin_api ./boxes.module Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_api().
boxes_ctools_plugin_plugins ./boxes.module Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_plugins().
boxes_delete_form ./ Box deletion form. 1
boxes_delete_form_submit ./ Submit handler for boxes_delete_form
boxes_factory ./boxes.module Instantiate box object. 6
boxes_features_pipe_block_alter ./boxes.module Implementation of hook_features_pipe_MODULE_alter().
boxes_footer ./boxes.module Implementation of hook_footer().
boxes_form_block_admin_configure_alter ./boxes.module Implementation of hook_form_alter for block_admin_configure.
boxes_form_block_admin_display_form_alter ./boxes.module Alters the block admin form to add delete links next to boxes blocks.
boxes_install ./boxes.install Implemenation of hook_install().
boxes_load ./boxes.module Load a box. 6
boxes_load_reset ./boxes.module Reset boxes load caches.
boxes_menu ./boxes.module Implementation of hook_menu().
boxes_schema ./boxes.install Implemenation of hook_schema().
boxes_spaces_dashboard_block_access_alter ./boxes.module Implementation of hook_spaces_dashboard_block_access_alter().
boxes_spaces_plugins ./boxes.module Implementation of hook_spaces_plugins
boxes_spaces_registry ./boxes.module Implementation of hook_spaces_registry().
boxes_theme ./boxes.module Implementation of hook_theme().
boxes_uninstall ./boxes.install Implemenation of hook_uninstall().
boxes_update_6100 ./boxes.install Make boxes content pluggable, move body/format into a serialized options array, add plugin key field.
boxes_update_6101 ./boxes.install If Spaces is installed update existing spaces overrides.
boxes_update_6102 ./boxes.install Make the column definition match
boxes_update_6103 ./boxes.install Ensure that Spaces overrides are stored as an object, not an array.
boxes_validate_delta ./ Validate handler for box delta. 1
theme_boxes_box ./ Theme function for the form.

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