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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Boxes 7.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
Box class includes/ The Box entity class
BoxAccess class ./boxes.test This should test the access to boxess
BoxCustom class boxes_admin_ui/plugins/ DO NOT USE THIS BOX. ONLY USED FOR THE UI PLUGINS
BoxDefault class plugins/ Default Box type.
BoxEntityAPIController class includes/
BoxesTestPlugins class ./boxes.test Test the API
BoxException class includes/
BoxIntegrationTests class ./boxes.test Integration Tests
BoxMetadataController class includes/ Extend the defaults.
BoxPlugin abstract class plugins/ @file Base Plugin Class 3
BoxPluginWrong class tests/boxes_test.module
BoxSetup abstract class ./boxes.test @file Tests for block.module. 2
BoxTestPlugin class tests/boxes_test.module
BoxTests class ./boxes.test
BoxTypePluginInterface interface includes/ Interface for Plugin Classes 1
EntityTranslationBoxHandler class includes/ Box translation handler.

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