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public function BotchaTestAdminLog::testAdminLog in BOTCHA Spam Prevention 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 tests/botcha.simpletest.test \BotchaTestAdminLog::testAdminLog()

Testing of placing messages into log.


tests/botcha.simpletest.test, line 776
Simpletest-tests for BOTCHA module.




public function testAdminLog() {

  // Unit testing: assume that correct work of other parts is tested elsewhere.
  $recipebook_controller = $this->application
  $recipebook = $recipebook_controller

  // Fill in results array randomly to emulate spam check.
  $is_spam = array();
  $recipes_spam = array();
  foreach ($recipebook
    ->getRecipes() as $recipe_id) {
    $value = (bool) rand(0, 1);
    $is_spam[$recipe_id] = $value;
    if ($value) {
      $recipes_spam[$recipe_id] = $recipe_id;
  $count_recipes = count($is_spam);
  $count_spam = count($recipes_spam);
  $form_id = 'test_form_id';
  $form = array();
  $form['form_id']['#value'] = $form_id;

  // Test success case.
  // @todo Remove hardcode.
    ->handle('success', $form, array(), $is_spam);

  // @todo Assert that there is success message.

  //$this->assertText(t('Checked %count botchas (%recipes_list)', array('%count' => $count_recipes, '%recipes_list' => implode(', ', $is_spam))), 'Success message is in log', 'BOTCHA');

  // Test spam case.
  // @todo Remove hardcode.
    ->handle('spam', $form, array(), $is_spam);

  // @todo It looks like being sometimes failed => find better way to click a link, that contains our form id.
  // @todo Abstract it.
    ->clickLink("{$form_id} post blocked by BOTCHA: submission ...");

  // Assert that there is a spam message.
  // We should pass plain text - so t() doesn't fit.

  //$message = t('Failed %count_spam of %count_recipes recipes [%recipes_list] from "%rbid" recipe book.', array('%count_spam' => $count_spam, '%count_recipes' => $count_recipes, '%recipes_list' => implode(', ', $recipes_spam), '%rbid' => $recipebook->id));
  $message = str_replace(array(
  ), array(
    implode(', ', $recipes_spam),
  ), 'Failed %count_spam of %count_recipes recipes [%recipes_list] from "%rbid" recipe book.');
    ->assertText($message, 'Expected spam message \'' . $message . '\' is in log', 'BOTCHA');