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botcha.simpletest.test in BOTCHA Spam Prevention 6.3

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  1. 7.3 tests/botcha.simpletest.test

Simpletest-tests for BOTCHA module.


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 * @file
 * Simpletest-tests for BOTCHA module.

// TODO: write test for BOTCHAs on admin pages
// TODO: test about placement (comment form, node forms, log in form, etc)
// TODO: test custom BOTCHA validation stuff
// TODO: test if entry on status report (Already X blocked form submissions) works
// TODO: Add tests for integration with CAPTCHA
// TODO: Test secret key auto-generation
// TODO: Test behavior around "back" button for legit users - behave nicely, what message, how form values are preserved, etc.
define('BOTCHA_SESSION_REUSE_ATTACK_ERROR_MESSAGE', 'Form session reuse detected.');
define('BOTCHA_TIMEGATE_TIMEOUT_ERROR_MESSAGE', 'Form is submitted too fast.');
define('BOTCHA_UNKNOWN_CSID_ERROR_MESSAGE', 'You must be a human, not a spam bot, to submit forms on this website.');
define('BOTCHA_NO_JS_ERROR_MESSAGE', 'Please enable Javascript to use this form.');

 * Base class for BOTCHA tests.
 * Provides common setup stuff and various helper functions
abstract class BotchaBaseWebTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * @var Botcha
  protected $application;

   * User with various administrative permissions.
   * @var Drupal user
  protected $admin_user;

   * Normal visitor with limited permissions
   * @var Drupal user;
  protected $normal_user;
  public function setUp() {

    // Backward compatibility together with support of new way of passing modules parameter.
    // @link DrupalWebTestCase::setUp() @endlink
    $modules = func_get_args();
    if (isset($modules[0]) && is_array($modules[0])) {
      $modules = $modules[0];
    parent::setUp(array_merge($modules, array(

    // @todo Abstract it.
    // @todo Keep an eye on the issue, that will make it unnecessary.
    // @see

    // Fill in the application.
    $this->application = ComponentFactory::get('Botcha', Component::TYPE_CONTROLLER, Component::ID_APPLICATION);

    // Create a normal user.
    $permissions = array(
      'access comments',
      'post comments',
      // @todo Abstract it.
      'post comments without approval',
      //'skip comment approval',
      'access content',
      'create page content',
      'edit own page content',
    $this->normal_user = $this

    // Create an admin user.
    $permissions[] = 'administer BOTCHA settings';
    $permissions[] = 'skip BOTCHA';
    $permissions[] = 'administer permissions';
    $permissions[] = 'administer content types';

    // It is for admin test case.
    $permissions[] = 'access site reports';
    $this->admin_user = $this

    // Put comments on page nodes on a separate page (default in D7: below post).
    variable_set('comment_form_location_page', COMMENT_FORM_SEPARATE_PAGE);

   * Assert that the response is accepted:
   * no "unknown CSID" message, no "CSID reuse attack detection" message,
   * no "wrong answer" message.
  protected function assertBotchaResponseAccepted() {

    // There should be no error message about unknown BOTCHA session ID.
      ->assertNoText(t(BOTCHA_UNKNOWN_CSID_ERROR_MESSAGE), 'BOTCHA response should be accepted (known CSID).', 'BOTCHA');

    // There should be no error message about CSID reuse attack.
      ->assertNoText(t(BOTCHA_SESSION_REUSE_ATTACK_ERROR_MESSAGE), 'BOTCHA response should be accepted (no BOTCHA session reuse attack detection).', 'BOTCHA');

    // There should be no error message about wrong response.


    //  'BOTCHA response should be accepted (JS enabled).',
    //  'BOTCHA');

   * Assert that there is a BOTCHA on the form or not.
   * @param bool $presence whether there should be a BOTCHA or not.
  protected function assertBotchaPresence($presence) {
    if ($presence) {
        ->assertText('If you\'re a human, don\'t change the following field', 'There should be a BOTCHA on the form.', 'BOTCHA');
    else {
        ->assertNoText('If you\'re a human, don\'t change the following field', 'There should be no BOTCHA on the form.', 'BOTCHA');

   * Helper function to create a node with comments enabled.
   * @return
   *   Created node object.
  protected function createNodeWithCommentsEnabled($type = 'page') {
    $node_settings = array(
      'type' => $type,
      // @todo Abstract it.
      'comment' => COMMENT_NODE_READ_WRITE,
    $node = $this
    return $node;

   * Helper function to get form values array from comment form
  protected function getCommentFormValuesFromForm() {

    // Submit the form using the displayed values.
    // @todo Abstract it.

    //$langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE;
    $displayed = array();
    foreach (array(
      'subject' => "//input[@id='edit-subject']/@value",
      // @todo Abstract it.
      'comment' => "//textarea[@id='edit-comment-body-{$langcode}-0-value']",
      //"comment_body[$langcode][0][value]" => "//textarea[@id='edit-comment-body-$langcode-0-value']",
      'botcha_response' => "//input[@id='edit-botcha-response']/@value",
    ) as $field => $path) {
      $value = current($this
      if (!empty($value)) {
        $displayed[$field] = (string) $value;
    return $displayed;

   * Helper function to generate a default form values array for comment forms

  // "= NULL" is for backward compatibility.
  protected function setCommentFormValues($should_pass = NULL) {

    // @todo Abstract it.

    //$langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE;
    $edit = array(
      'subject' => 'comment_subject ' . $this
      // @todo Abstract it.
      'comment' => 'comment_body ' . $this
    return $edit;

   * Helper function to generate a default form values array for node forms

  // "= NULL" is for backward compatibility.
  protected function setNodeFormValues($should_pass = NULL) {

    // @todo Abstract it.
    $langcode = 'und';

    //$langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => 'node_title ' . $this
      "body[{$langcode}][0][value]" => 'node_body ' . $this
    return $edit;

   * Get the form_build_id from the current form in the browser.
  protected function getFormBuildIdFromForm($form = NULL) {

    // Form a xpath query string.
    $xpath = '//';
    if (!empty($form)) {

      // Specially to transform user_login to user-login.
      // @todo getFormBuildIdFromForm ?Is there a better way to do it?
      $form_filtered = str_replace('_', '-', $form);

      // If form parameter is set we are looking for forms like it. It is useful
      // when we have multiple forms on one page.
      $xpath .= "form[contains(@id, '{$form_filtered}')]/div/";
    $xpath .= "input[@name='form_build_id']/@value";

    // Force conversion to string.

    //$form_build_id = (string) current($this->xpath("//input[@name='form_build_id']/@value"));
    $form_build_id = (string) current($this
    return $form_build_id;

   * Helper function to allow comment posting for anonymous users.
  protected function allowCommentPostingForAnonymousVisitors() {

    // Log in as admin.

    // Post user permissions form
    $edit = array(
      '1[access comments]' => TRUE,
      '1[post comments]' => TRUE,
      // @todo Abstract it.
      '1[post comments without approval]' => TRUE,

    // @todo Abstract it.
      ->drupalPost('admin/user/permissions', $edit, 'Save permissions');

    //$this->drupalPost('admin/people/permissions', $edit, 'Save permissions');
      ->assertText('The changes have been saved.');

    // Log admin out


   * Get an array of our expectations to cycle through: should we test that this
   * form fails or successfully submitted or both?
  public function getExpectations() {
    return array(

   * Get the list of names of the buttons that are available for this concrete
   * form. Used as "modes" for behavior testing. Later we check that the real
   * behavior after clicking this button matches our suspections.
  function getButtonsByForm($form) {
    $buttons = array();
    switch ($form) {
      case 'user_login':
        $buttons[] = t('Log in');
      case 'node':
      case 'comment':
        $buttons[] = t('Preview');
        $buttons[] = t('Save');
    return $buttons;

   * Helper function to generate a default form values array for any form.
  protected function setFormValues($form, $should_pass = TRUE, &$parameters = array()) {
    $edit = array();
    switch ($form) {

      // These ones for testing FormUI.
      case 'addForm':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $edit['botcha_form_id'] = drupal_strtolower($this
        $parameters['botcha_form_id'] = $edit['botcha_form_id'];
        $edit["botcha_form_recipebook"] = $parameters['rbid'];
      case 'editForm':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,

        // Fill in enabled.
        $edit['botcha_enabled'] = $parameters['botcha_enabled'];

        // Fill in recipe book.
        $edit["botcha_form_recipebook"] = $parameters['rbid'];
      case 'deleteForm':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,

        // Nothing to do.

      // These ones for testing RecipebookUI.
      case 'addRecipebook':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $edit['id'] = drupal_strtolower($this
        $edit['title'] = $this
        $edit['description'] = $this
        $edit['recipes[timegate]'] = 'timegate';
      case 'editRecipebook':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $edit['title'] = $this
        $edit['description'] = $this
        $edit['recipes[timegate]'] = 'timegate';
      case 'deleteRecipebook':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,

        // @todo BotchaBaseWebTestCase setFormValues Case deleteRecipebook real logic.

      // And these ones for testing form submission.
      case 'node':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $edit = $this
      case 'user_login':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $edit = $this
      case 'comment':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $edit = $this
    return $edit;

   * Helper function to generate a default form values array for comment forms
  protected function setUserLoginFormValues($should_pass) {
    $edit = array(
      'name' => $this->normal_user->name,
      'pass' => $this->normal_user->pass_raw,
    return $edit;
  function checkPreConditions($form, $should_pass, $button) {
    switch ($form) {
      case 'comment':

        // Check that comment form is enabled.
        // @todo Abstract it.
          ->assertTrue(variable_get("botcha_enabled_comment_form", 0), "BOTCHA protection for comment_form must be enabled", 'BOTCHA');

        //$this->assertTrue(variable_get("botcha_enabled_comment_node_page_form", 0), "BOTCHA protection for comment_node_page_form must be enabled", 'BOTCHA');

   * Get one of predefined forms.
   * Used to unify the process of testing.
  function getForm($form, &$parameters = array()) {
    $form_controller = $this->application
    $recipe_controller = $this->application
    $recipebook_controller = $this->application

    // @todo Refactor all these switches with classes.
    switch ($form) {

      // These ones for testing FormUI.
      case 'addForm':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
          ->drupalGet(Botcha::ADMIN_PATH . '/form/add');
        foreach (array(
        ) as $field) {
            ->assertField($field, "There should be a {$field} field on the form", 'BOTCHA');
      case 'editForm':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $form_id = drupal_strtolower($this

        // Pass this newly created form to other methods.
        $parameters['botcha_form_id'] = $form_id;

        // Random enabled state generation.
        // Converting to boolean is a workaround for drupalPost which interprets 0 as TRUE else.
        $enabled = (bool) rand(0, 1);
        $parameters['botcha_enabled'] = $enabled;

        // The form should be already binded to some (let's say default) recipe book.
        $rbid = 'default';
        $botcha_form = $form_controller
          ->getForm($form_id, TRUE)

        // Assert form existence.
          ->getForm($parameters['botcha_form_id'], FALSE) instanceof BotchaFormNone, "Form {$parameters['botcha_form_id']} exists", 'BOTCHA');

        // Assert recipe book of the form.
        $recipebook_id = $form_controller
          ->getForm($parameters['botcha_form_id'], FALSE)
          ->assertEqual($rbid, $recipebook_id, "BOTCHA form has recipe book {$recipebook_id} (should have {$rbid})", 'BOTCHA');

        // Assert enabled or not.
          ->assertEqual($enabled, $botcha_form
          ->isEnabled(), 'BOTCHA form has correct state', 'BOTCHA');
          ->drupalGet(Botcha::ADMIN_PATH . "/form/{$form_id}");
        foreach (array(
        ) as $field) {
            ->assertField($field, "There should be a {$field} field on the form", 'BOTCHA');

        // @todo Check that id field is disabled.
      case 'deleteForm':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $form_id = drupal_strtolower($this

        // Pass this newly created form to other methods.
        $parameters['botcha_form_id'] = $form_id;

        // The form should be already binded to some (let's say default) recipe book.
        $botcha_form = $form_controller
          ->getForm($form_id, TRUE)
          ->drupalGet(Botcha::ADMIN_PATH . "/form/{$form_id}/delete");

      // These ones for testing RecipebookUI.
      case 'addRecipebook':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
          ->drupalGet(Botcha::ADMIN_PATH . '/recipebook/add');

        // @todo Implement recipes checking.
        foreach (array(
        ) as $field) {
            ->assertField($field, "There should be a {$field} field on the form", 'BOTCHA');
      case 'editRecipebook':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $id = drupal_strtolower($this

        // Save this id to the parameters.
        $parameters['id'] = $id;
        $title = $this
        $description = $this

        // We need some recipes already set to test unsetting.
        $recipe_id = 'honeypot';
        $recipebook = $recipebook_controller
          ->getRecipebook($id, TRUE)
          ->drupalGet(Botcha::ADMIN_PATH . "/recipebook/{$id}");

        // @todo Implement recipes appearance checking.
        foreach (array(
        ) as $field) {
            ->assertField($field, "There should be a {$field} field on the form", 'BOTCHA');
      case 'deleteRecipebook':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,

        // @todo Case deleteRecipebook real logic.

      // And these ones are for testing form submissions.
      case 'node':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
      case 'user_login':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
      case 'comment':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,

        // Create node to post comment to.
        $node = $this

        // Make sure comments on pages can be saved directly without preview.
        // @todo Abstract it.
        variable_set('comment_preview_page', COMMENT_PREVIEW_OPTIONAL);

        //variable_set('comment_preview_page', DRUPAL_OPTIONAL);

   * Post one of predefined forms.
   * Used to unify the process of testing.
  function postForm($form, $edit, $button = NULL, &$parameters = array()) {
    switch ($form) {

      // These ones for testing Form UI.
      case 'addForm':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $button = $button ? $button : t('Add');
          ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, $button);
      case 'editForm':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $button = $button ? $button : t('Save');
          ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, $button);
      case 'deleteForm':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $button = $button ? $button : t('Delete');
          ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, $button);

      // These ones for testing Recipebook UI.
      case 'addRecipebook':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $button = $button ? $button : t('Add');
          ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, $button);
      case 'editRecipebook':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $button = $button ? $button : t('Save');
          ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, $button);
      case 'deleteRecipebook':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,

        // @todo Case deleteRecipebook.

      // And these ones are for testing form submissions.
      case 'node':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $button = $button ? $button : t('Save');
          ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, $button);
      case 'user_login':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $button = $button ? $button : t('Log in');
          ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, $button);
      case 'comment':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,

        // Make sure comments on pages can be saved directly without preview.
        // @todo Abstract it.
        variable_set('comment_preview_page', COMMENT_PREVIEW_OPTIONAL);

        //variable_set('comment_preview_page', DRUPAL_OPTIONAL);
        $button = $button ? $button : t('Save');
          ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, $button);

   * Check whether our suspections are real.
  public function assertFormSubmission($form, $edit, $should_pass = TRUE, $button = NULL, &$parameters = array()) {
    $form_controller = $this->application
    $recipe_controller = $this->application
    $recipebook_controller = $this->application

    // @todo Refactor all these switches with classes.
    switch ($form) {

      // These ones for testing Form UI.
      case 'addForm':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,

        // Make sure that the message appeared.

        //$this->assertText(t('Added BOTCHA form %form_id.', array('%form_id' => $parameters['botcha_form_id'])), 'BOTCHA form successfully added : Message displayed', 'BOTCHA');
          ->assertText("Added BOTCHA form {$parameters['botcha_form_id']}.", 'BOTCHA form successfully added : Message displayed', 'BOTCHA');

        // Ensure that the form was created.
          ->getForm($parameters['botcha_form_id'], FALSE) instanceof BotchaFormNone, 'BOTCHA form successfully added : Form saved to DB', 'BOTCHA');

        // Assert recipe book of the form.
        $recipebook_id = $form_controller
          ->getForm($parameters['botcha_form_id'], FALSE)
          ->assertEqual($parameters['rbid'], $recipebook_id, "BOTCHA form successfully added : Recipe book {$parameters['rbid']} saved correctly as {$recipebook_id}", 'BOTCHA');
      case 'editForm':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,

        // Make sure that the message appeared.
          ->assertText("Saved BOTCHA form settings for {$parameters['botcha_form_id']}.", 'BOTCHA form successfully saved : Message displayed', 'BOTCHA');

        // @todo ?Why we need to call getForm with $create = TRUE? What's wrong?
        $botcha_form = $form_controller
          ->getForm($parameters['botcha_form_id'], TRUE);

        // Assert recipe book of the form.
        $recipebook_id = $botcha_form

        // Ensure recipe book.
          ->assertEqual($parameters['rbid'], $recipebook_id, "BOTCHA form successfully saved : Recipe book {$parameters['rbid']} saved correctly as {$recipebook_id}", 'BOTCHA');

        // Ensure enabled.
          ->assertEqual($parameters['botcha_enabled'], $botcha_form
          ->isEnabled(), 'BOTCHA form was successfully turned on/off', 'BOTCHA');
      case 'deleteForm':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $form_id = $parameters['botcha_form_id'];

        // Make sure that the message appeared.
          ->assertText("Deleted BOTCHA protection for form {$form_id}.", 'BOTCHA form successfully deleted : Message displayed', 'BOTCHA');

        // Ensure that the form was deleted.
          ->getForm($form_id, FALSE) instanceof BotchaFormNone, 'BOTCHA form successfully deleted', 'BOTCHA');

      // These ones for testing Recipebook UI.
      case 'addRecipebook':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
          ->assertTrue($recipebook = $recipebook_controller
          ->getRecipebook($edit['id'], FALSE), "Recipe book {$edit['id']} should exist", 'BOTCHA');
        foreach (array(
        ) as $field) {
            ->assertEqual($recipebook->{$field}, $edit[$field], "Recipe book {$edit['id']} should have {$field} equal {$edit[$field]} (in fact it has {$recipebook->{$field}})", 'BOTCHA');
      case 'editRecipebook':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
        $recipebook = $recipebook_controller
          ->getRecipebook($parameters['id'], FALSE);
        foreach (array(
        ) as $field) {
            ->assertEqual($recipebook->{$field}, $edit[$field], "Recipe book {$parameters['id']} should have {$field} equal {$edit[$field]} (in fact it has {$recipebook->{$field}})", 'BOTCHA');

        // @todo Add recipes assertion.
      case 'deleteRecipebook':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,

        // @todo Case deleteRecipebook.

      // And these ones are for testing form submissions.
      case 'node':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
          ->assertNodeFormSubmission($edit, $should_pass, $button);
      case 'user_login':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
          ->assertUserLoginFormSubmission($edit, $should_pass, $button);
      case 'comment':
          ->debug("Entered %method %case", array(
          '%method' => __METHOD__,
          '%case' => $form,
          ->assertCommentFormSubmission($edit, $should_pass, $button);

   * Assert function for testing if comment posting works as it should.
   * Creates node with comment writing enabled, tries to post comment
   * with given BOTCHA response (caller should enable the desired
   * challenge on page node comment forms) and checks if the result is as expected.
   * @param $node existing node to post comments to (if NULL, will be created)
   * @param $should_pass boolean describing if the posting should pass or should be blocked
   * @param $message message to prefix to nested asserts
   * @param $button name of button to click (t('Save') by default)
  protected function assertCommentFormSubmission($edit, $should_pass, $button) {

    // Assertion itself.
    switch ($should_pass) {
      case FALSE:

        // Check for error message.
          ->assertText(BOTCHA_WRONG_RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGE, 'Comment submission should be blocked.', 'BOTCHA');

        // Check that there is still BOTCHA after failed submit.

        //$this->assertNoText($edit['subject'], 'Comment should not show up on node page.', 'BOTCHA');

        // !!? Do we need to check message body?

        //$this->assertNoText($comment_body, $message . ' Comment should not show up on node page.', 'BOTCHA');
      case TRUE:
        switch ($button) {
          case t('Preview'):

            // Check that there is still BOTCHA after preview.
          case t('Save'):

            // There should be no error message.
              ->assertText($edit['subject'], 'Comment should show up on node page.', 'BOTCHA');

            // !!? Do we need to check message body?

            //$this->assertText($edit['comment_body'], $message . ' Comment should show up on node page.', 'BOTCHA');

   * Assert submission of node form, check whether it works how it should.
   * @param type $edit
   * @param type $should_pass
  protected function assertNodeFormSubmission($edit, $should_pass, $button) {

    // @todo assertNodeFormSubmission real logic

   * Assert submission of user login form, check whether it works how it should.
   * @param type $edit
   * @param type $should_pass
  protected function assertUserLoginFormSubmission($edit, $should_pass, $button) {
    switch ($should_pass) {
      case FALSE:

        // Check for error message.
          ->assertText(BOTCHA_WRONG_RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGE, 'BOTCHA should block user login form', 'BOTCHA');

        // And make sure that user is not logged in:
        // check for name and password fields on ?q=user.
          ->assertField('name', t('Username field found.'), 'BOTCHA');
          ->assertField('pass', t('Password field found.'), 'BOTCHA');
      case TRUE:

        // If log in was successful, log out to continue testing.

   * Used to print debug message on the test result screen.
   * @param string $message_template
   * @param array $substitutions
  protected function debug($message_template, $substitutions = array()) {
    return $this
      ->pass(t($message_template, $substitutions), 'BOTCHA');

abstract class BotchaAdminTestCase extends BotchaBaseWebTestCase {
  public function setUp() {

    // @todo Abstract it.
    $form_controller = $this->application

    // Disable all recipes and forms for default recipe book not to have any
    // problems with submitting forms.
    $forms = $form_controller
    foreach ($forms as $botcha_form) {
      $form_id = $botcha_form->id;
        ->getForm($form_id, FALSE)

    // Log in as admin.

class BotchaTestAdminGeneral extends BotchaAdminTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Admin: General BOTCHA administration functionality'),
      'description' => t('Testing of the BOTCHA administration interface and functionality.'),
      'group' => t('BOTCHA'),

   * Testing general BOTCHA admin functionality.
  public function testAdminGeneral() {
    variable_set('botcha_form_passed_counter', $pass_cnt = rand(0, 10000));
    variable_set('botcha_form_blocked_counter', $block_cnt = rand(1, 10000));
    $build_cnt = $pass_cnt + $block_cnt;

    // Assert that the statistics is present.
      ->assertText("Already {$block_cnt} blocked form submissions.", 'BOTCHA blocked count statistics is present', 'BOTCHA');
    $percent = sprintf("%0.3f", 100 * $block_cnt / $build_cnt);
      ->assertText("({$percent}% of total {$build_cnt} processed)", 'BOTCHA total count statistics is present', 'BOTCHA');

    // Reset BOTCHA statistics.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Reset BOTCHA statistics'));

    // Assert that the statistics is reset.
      ->assertText("BOTCHA statistics have been reset.", "Message displayed", 'BOTCHA');
      ->assertText("Already 0 blocked form submissions.", 'BOTCHA blocked count statistics is reset', 'BOTCHA');
      ->assertNoText("({$percent}% of total {$build_cnt} processed)", 'BOTCHA total count statistics is reset', 'BOTCHA');

class BotchaTestAdminLog extends BotchaAdminTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Admin: Admin log testing'),
      'description' => t('Testing of the BOTCHA admin dblog placement.'),
      'group' => t('BOTCHA'),

   * Testing of placing messages into log.
  public function testAdminLog() {

    // Unit testing: assume that correct work of other parts is tested elsewhere.
    $recipebook_controller = $this->application
    $recipebook = $recipebook_controller

    // Fill in results array randomly to emulate spam check.
    $is_spam = array();
    $recipes_spam = array();
    foreach ($recipebook
      ->getRecipes() as $recipe_id) {
      $value = (bool) rand(0, 1);
      $is_spam[$recipe_id] = $value;
      if ($value) {
        $recipes_spam[$recipe_id] = $recipe_id;
    $count_recipes = count($is_spam);
    $count_spam = count($recipes_spam);
    $form_id = 'test_form_id';
    $form = array();
    $form['form_id']['#value'] = $form_id;

    // Test success case.
    // @todo Remove hardcode.
      ->handle('success', $form, array(), $is_spam);

    // @todo Assert that there is success message.

    //$this->assertText(t('Checked %count botchas (%recipes_list)', array('%count' => $count_recipes, '%recipes_list' => implode(', ', $is_spam))), 'Success message is in log', 'BOTCHA');

    // Test spam case.
    // @todo Remove hardcode.
      ->handle('spam', $form, array(), $is_spam);

    // @todo It looks like being sometimes failed => find better way to click a link, that contains our form id.
    // @todo Abstract it.
      ->clickLink("{$form_id} post blocked by BOTCHA: submission ...");

    // Assert that there is a spam message.
    // We should pass plain text - so t() doesn't fit.

    //$message = t('Failed %count_spam of %count_recipes recipes [%recipes_list] from "%rbid" recipe book.', array('%count_spam' => $count_spam, '%count_recipes' => $count_recipes, '%recipes_list' => implode(', ', $recipes_spam), '%rbid' => $recipebook->id));
    $message = str_replace(array(
    ), array(
      implode(', ', $recipes_spam),
    ), 'Failed %count_spam of %count_recipes recipes [%recipes_list] from "%rbid" recipe book.');
      ->assertText($message, 'Expected spam message \'' . $message . '\' is in log', 'BOTCHA');

class BotchaTestAdminLinks extends BotchaAdminTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Admin: Admin links functionality testing'),
      'description' => t('Testing of the BOTCHA admin links: insert, interoperate.'),
      'group' => t('BOTCHA'),

   * Testing of the BOTCHA administration links.
  public function testAdminLinks() {
    $form_controller = $this->application

    // Test for [#1861016]
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $this->admin_user->uid . '/edit');
      ->assertText($this->admin_user->name, t('User name found.'), 'BOTCHA');

    // Enable BOTCHA administration links.
    $edit = array(
      'botcha_administration_mode' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPost(Botcha::ADMIN_PATH . '/form', $edit, t('Save configuration'));

    // Create a node with comments enabled.
    $node = $this

    // @todo Abstract it.
    $form_id = 'comment_form';

    //$form_id = 'comment_node_page_form';
    $botcha_form = $form_controller

    // Allow BOTCHA to protect it ...

    // ... and also make it belonging to no recipebook.

    // Go to node page.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);

    // Click the add new comment link
      ->clickLink(t('Add new comment'));
    $add_comment_url = $this

    // Remove fragment part from comment URL to avoid problems with later asserts.
    $add_comment_url = strtok($add_comment_url, "#");

    // Click the BOTCHA admin link to enable a challenge.
      ->clickLink(t('Add BOTCHA protection on form'));
      ->assertFieldByName('botcha_form_id', $form_id, 'Form id has been automatically filled in');

    // Enable 'default' BOTCHA.
    $edit = array(
      'botcha_form_recipebook' => 'default',
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Add'));

    // Check if returned to original comment form.
      ->assertUrl($add_comment_url, array(), 'After setting BOTCHA with BOTCHA admin links: should return to original form.', 'BOTCHA');

    // Check if BOTCHA was successfully enabled.
      ->assertText("Added BOTCHA form {$form_id}.", 'Message displayed', 'BOTCHA');

    // Check the links appearance.
    $botcha_form = $form_controller
      ->getForm($form_id, FALSE);
    $recipebook_id = $botcha_form

    // Check if BOTCHA was successfully enabled (through API).
      ->assertFalse($botcha_form instanceof BotchaFormNone, "Botcha protection for {$form_id} form added via admin link", 'BOTCHA');
      ->assertEqual($recipebook_id, 'default', "Recipe book is chosen for {$form_id} form via admin link", 'BOTCHA');

    /* @todo Delete it since it is already tested in testFormUI.
       // Edit challenge type through BOTCHA admin links.
       // Enable 'default' BOTCHA.
       $edit = array('botcha_type' => 'default');
       $this->drupalPost($this->getUrl(), $edit, t('Save'));
       // Check if returned to original comment form.
       $this->assertEqual($add_comment_url, $this->getUrl(),
         'After editing challenge type BOTCHA admin links: should return to original form.', 'BOTCHA');
       // Check if BOTCHA was successfully changed (on BOTCHA admin links fieldset).
       // This is actually the same as the previous setting because the botcha/Math is the
       // default for the default challenge. TODO Make sure the edit is a real change.
       $this->assertText(t('Saved BOTCHA point settings.', array('@type' => 'default')),
         'Enable a challenge through the BOTCHA admin links', 'BOTCHA');
       // Check if BOTCHA was successfully edited (through API).
       $this->assertBotchaSetting(self::COMMENT_FORM_ID, 'default');
       // Delete challenge through BOTCHA admin links.
       // And confirm.
       $this->drupalPost($this->getUrl(), array(), 'Disable');
       // Check if returned to original comment form.
       $this->assertEqual($add_comment_url, $this->getUrl(),
         'After disablin challenge with BOTCHA admin links: should return to original form.', 'BOTCHA');
       // Check if BOTCHA was successfully disabled (on BOTCHA admin links fieldset).
       $this->assertText(t('Disabled BOTCHA for form'),
         'Disable challenge through the BOTCHA admin links', 'BOTCHA');
       // Check if BOTCHA was successfully disabled (through API).
       $this->assertBotchaSetting(self::COMMENT_FORM_ID, 'none');

class BotchaTestFormUI extends BotchaAdminTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Admin: FormUI testing'),
      'description' => t('Testing of the FormUI functionality.'),
      'group' => t('BOTCHA'),

   * Tests for creating, modifying and deleting botcha forms.
  public function testFormUI() {

    // Create a recipe book.
    $recipebook_controller = $this->application
    $id = 'test';
    $title = 'FormUI recipe book';
    $description = 'Created for testing FormUI';
    $recipebook = $recipebook_controller
    $forms = array(

    // Parameters that need to be passed through methods.
    $parameters = array();
    $parameters['rbid'] = $id;
    foreach ($forms as $form) {
        ->getForm($form, $parameters);
      $edit = $this
        ->setFormValues($form, NULL, $parameters);
        ->postForm($form, $edit, NULL, $parameters);
        ->assertFormSubmission($form, $edit, NULL, NULL, $parameters);

class BotchaTestRecipebookUI extends BotchaAdminTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Admin: RecipebookUI testing'),
      'description' => t('Testing of the RecipebookUI functionality.'),
      'group' => t('BOTCHA'),

   * Tests for creating, modifying and deleting recipe books.
  public function testRecipebookUI() {
    $forms = array(

    // Parameters that need to be passed through methods.
    $parameters = array();
    foreach ($forms as $form) {
        ->getForm($form, $parameters);
      $edit = $this
        ->setFormValues($form, NULL, $parameters);
        ->postForm($form, $edit, NULL, $parameters);
        ->assertFormSubmission($form, $edit, NULL, NULL, $parameters);


 * Testing general BOTCHA functionality.
class BotchaTestCase extends BotchaBaseWebTestCase {
  public function setUp() {

    // Allow comment posting for guests.

    // @todo Debug this situation: tests don't have any content types at the moment of the BOTCHA enabling.
    // It causes lack of some form protection: comment_node_page_form as an example.
    // For some reason we don't find this form after installation - but we should.
    // So fix it manually.
    $form_controller = $this->application
    $botcha_form = $form_controller
      ->getForm('comment_node_page_form', TRUE)
      ->assertEqual($botcha_form, $form_controller
      ->save($botcha_form), 'Form object correctly saved.', 'BOTCHA');

    // Create recipebook "test" + bind all forms to it.
    $recipebook_controller = $this->application
    $recipebook = $recipebook_controller
      ->getRecipebook('test', TRUE)
      ->setTitle('Test recipebook')
      ->setDescription("Created for {$this->testId}");
    $default_recipebook = $recipebook_controller
    foreach ($default_recipebook
      ->getForms() as $form_id) {
      $recipebook = $recipebook
      ->assertEqual($recipebook, $recipebook_controller
      ->save($recipebook), 'Recipebook object correctly saved.', 'BOTCHA');
  public function testFormSubmission() {
    $forms = array(
    foreach ($forms as $form) {

      // Determine what we expect: whether successful submission or blocked or both.
      foreach ($this
        ->getExpectations() as $should_pass) {
        foreach ($this
          ->getButtonsByForm($form) as $button) {

          // Check some assumptions that are  necessary for this test.
            ->checkPreConditions($form, $should_pass, $button);

          // Get a form.

          // Fill in the form.
          $edit = $this
            ->setFormValues($form, $should_pass);

          // Submit the form.
            ->postForm($form, $edit, $button);

          // Make sure that we get what expected.
            ->assertFormSubmission($form, $edit, $should_pass, $button);

class BotchaUsingJsTestCase extends BotchaTestCase {
  protected function assertBotchaPresence($presence) {
    if ($presence) {
        ->assertText('If you\'re a human, don\'t change the following field', 'There should be a BOTCHA on the form.', 'BOTCHA');
    else {
        ->assertNoText('If you\'re a human, don\'t change the following field', 'There should be no BOTCHA on the form.', 'BOTCHA');

class BotchaHoneypotTestCase extends BotchaUsingJsTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Honeypot method testing'),
      'description' => t('Testing of the honeypot protection method.'),
      'group' => t('BOTCHA'),
  public function setUp() {

    // Bind only one recipe to test recipe book.
    $recipebook_controller = $this->application
    $recipebook = $recipebook_controller
  public function getExpectations() {
    return array(
  protected function setFormValues($form, $should_pass, &$parameters = array()) {
    $edit = parent::setFormValues($form, $should_pass, $parameters);

    // Since we can't test javascript (is there a way to do it?) and Simpletest
    // can't evaluate javascript we should do nothing to break the submission.
    return $edit;


// @todo BotchaRecipeHoneypot2 Refactor as a configuration of BotchaRecipeHoneypot.
class BotchaHoneypot2TestCase extends BotchaUsingJsTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Honeypot2 method testing'),
      'description' => t('Testing of the honeypot2 protection method.'),
      'group' => t('BOTCHA'),
  public function setUp() {

    // Bind only one recipe to test recipe book.
    $recipebook_controller = $this->application
    $recipebook = $recipebook_controller
  public function getExpectations() {
    return array(
  protected function setFormValues($form, $should_pass, &$parameters = array()) {
    $edit = parent::setFormValues($form, $should_pass, $parameters);

    // Since we can't test javascript (is there a way to do it?) and Simpletest
    // can't evaluate javascript we should do nothing to break the submission.
    return $edit;

class BotchaObscureUrlTestCase extends BotchaUsingJsTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Obscure url method testing'),
      'description' => t('Testing of the obscure url protection method.'),
      'group' => t('BOTCHA'),
  public function setUp() {

    // Bind only one recipe to test recipe book.
    $recipebook_controller = $this->application
    $recipebook = $recipebook_controller
  public function getExpectations() {
    return array(
  protected function setFormValues($form, $should_pass, &$parameters = array()) {
    $edit = parent::setFormValues($form, $should_pass, $parameters);

    // Since we can't test javascript (is there a way to do it?) and Simpletest
    // can't evaluate javascript we should do nothing to break the submission.
    return $edit;

class BotchaNoResubmitTestCase extends BotchaTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('NoResubmit method testing'),
      'description' => t('Testing of the session reuse attack protection.'),
      'group' => t('BOTCHA'),
  public function setUp() {

    // Bind only one recipe to test recipe book.
    $recipebook_controller = $this->application
    $recipebook = $recipebook_controller
  public function getExpectations() {
    return array(
  protected function assertBotchaPresence($presence) {

    // We couldn't understand whether this form implement no-resubmit protection
    // or not by its appearance - so always pass this check.
    return TRUE;
  protected function setFormValues($form, $should_pass, &$parameters = array()) {
    $edit = parent::setFormValues($form, $should_pass, $parameters);
    switch ($should_pass) {
      case FALSE:

        // Get form_build_id of the form (to simulate resubmit).
        $form_build_id = $this

        // Submit a form once.
          ->postForm($form, $edit);

        // Make sure it passes.
        parent::assertFormSubmission($form, $edit, TRUE);

        // Get new form.

        //$edit = parent::setFormValues($form, $should_pass, $parameters);

        // Set form_build_id of the current form to stored value (to simulate resubmit).
        $edit['form_build_id'] = $form_build_id;
      case TRUE:

        // Everything is done already.
    return $edit;
  public function assertFormSubmission($form, $edit, $should_pass = TRUE, $button = NULL, &$parameters = array()) {
    switch ($form) {
      case 'user_login':
      case 'comment':

        // Assertion itself.
        switch ($should_pass) {
          case FALSE:

            // Check for error message.
              ->assertText(BOTCHA_SESSION_REUSE_ATTACK_ERROR_MESSAGE, 'Submission should be blocked.', 'BOTCHA');

    // We are placing it to the end since we have a redirection there which
    // makes impossible to assert submission by these conditions.
    parent::assertFormSubmission($form, $edit, $should_pass, $button, $parameters);

class BotchaTimegateTestCase extends BotchaTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Timegate method testing'),
      'description' => t('Testing of the timegate protection method.'),
      'group' => t('BOTCHA'),
  public function setUp() {

    // Bind only one recipe to test recipe book.
    $recipebook_controller = $this->application
    $recipebook = $recipebook_controller
  public function getExpectations() {
    return array(

   * Recipe should modify default form to break itself.
   * @param type $form
   * @param type $should_pass
   * @return type
  protected function setFormValues($form, $should_pass, &$parameters = array()) {
    $edit = parent::setFormValues($form, $should_pass, $parameters);
    switch ($should_pass) {
      case FALSE:
      case TRUE:
        $edit['timegate'] = (int) time() - (int) variable_get('botcha_timegate', 5) - 1;
    return $edit;
  protected function assertBotchaPresence($presence) {
    if ($presence) {
        ->assertField('timegate', 'There should be a BOTCHA timegate field on the form.', 'BOTCHA');
    else {
        ->assertNoField('timegate', 'There should be no BOTCHA timegate field on the form.', 'BOTCHA');
  public function assertFormSubmission($form, $edit, $should_pass = TRUE, $button = NULL, &$parameters = array()) {
    switch ($form) {
      case 'user_login':
      case 'comment':

        // Assertion itself.
        switch ($should_pass) {
          case FALSE:

            // Check for error message.
              ->assertText(BOTCHA_TIMEGATE_TIMEOUT_ERROR_MESSAGE, 'Submission should be blocked.', 'BOTCHA');

    // We are placing it to the end since we have a redirection there which
    // makes impossible to assert submission by these conditions.
    parent::assertFormSubmission($form, $edit, $should_pass, $button, $parameters);


// Some tricks to debug:
// drupal_debug($data) // from devel module
// file_put_contents('tmp.simpletest.html', $this->drupalGetContent());