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protected function BotchaBaseWebTestCase::assertBotchaResponseAccepted in BOTCHA Spam Prevention 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 botcha.test \BotchaBaseWebTestCase::assertBotchaResponseAccepted()
  2. 6.2 botcha.test \BotchaBaseWebTestCase::assertBotchaResponseAccepted()
  3. 7 botcha.test \BotchaBaseWebTestCase::assertBotchaResponseAccepted()
  4. 7.2 botcha.test \BotchaBaseWebTestCase::assertBotchaResponseAccepted()
  5. 7.3 tests/botcha.simpletest.test \BotchaBaseWebTestCase::assertBotchaResponseAccepted()

Assert that the response is accepted: no "unknown CSID" message, no "CSID reuse attack detection" message, no "wrong answer" message.

1 call to BotchaBaseWebTestCase::assertBotchaResponseAccepted()
BotchaBaseWebTestCase::assertCommentFormSubmission in tests/botcha.simpletest.test
Assert function for testing if comment posting works as it should.


tests/botcha.simpletest.test, line 95
Simpletest-tests for BOTCHA module.


Base class for BOTCHA tests.


protected function assertBotchaResponseAccepted() {

  // There should be no error message about unknown BOTCHA session ID.
    ->assertNoText(t(BOTCHA_UNKNOWN_CSID_ERROR_MESSAGE), 'BOTCHA response should be accepted (known CSID).', 'BOTCHA');

  // There should be no error message about CSID reuse attack.
    ->assertNoText(t(BOTCHA_SESSION_REUSE_ATTACK_ERROR_MESSAGE), 'BOTCHA response should be accepted (no BOTCHA session reuse attack detection).', 'BOTCHA');

  // There should be no error message about wrong response.


  //  'BOTCHA response should be accepted (JS enabled).',
  //  'BOTCHA');