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function BotchaAdminTestCase::testBotchaPointSettingGetterAndSetter in BOTCHA Spam Prevention 7

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  1. 6 botcha.test \BotchaAdminTestCase::testBotchaPointSettingGetterAndSetter()

Test the BOTCHA point setting getter/setter.


./botcha.test, line 507
Tests for BOTCHA module.




function testBotchaPointSettingGetterAndSetter() {
  $comment_form_id = self::COMMENT_FORM_ID;

  // Set to 'none'.
  botcha_set_form_id_setting($comment_form_id, 'none');
  $result = botcha_get_form_id_setting($comment_form_id);
    ->assertNotNull($result, 'Setting and getting BOTCHA point: none', 'BOTCHA');
    ->assertNull($result->botcha_type, 'Setting and getting BOTCHA point: none', 'BOTCHA');
  $result = botcha_get_form_id_setting($comment_form_id, TRUE);
    ->assertEqual($result, 'none', 'Setting and symbolic getting BOTCHA point: "none"', 'BOTCHA');

  // Set to 'default'
  botcha_set_form_id_setting($comment_form_id, 'default');
  $result = botcha_get_form_id_setting($comment_form_id);
    ->assertNotNull($result, 'Setting and getting BOTCHA point: default', 'BOTCHA');
    ->assertEqual($result->botcha_type, 'default', 'Setting and getting BOTCHA point: default', 'BOTCHA');
  $result = botcha_get_form_id_setting($comment_form_id, TRUE);
    ->assertEqual($result, 'default', 'Setting and symbolic getting BOTCHA point: "default"', 'BOTCHA');

  // Set to 'boo'.
  botcha_set_form_id_setting($comment_form_id, 'boo');
  $result = botcha_get_form_id_setting($comment_form_id);
    ->assertNotNull($result, 'Setting and getting BOTCHA point: boo', 'BOTCHA');
    ->assertEqual($result->botcha_type, 'boo', 'Setting and getting BOTCHA point: boo', 'BOTCHA');
  $result = botcha_get_form_id_setting($comment_form_id, TRUE);
    ->assertEqual($result, 'boo', 'Setting and symbolic getting BOTCHA point: "boo"', 'BOTCHA');

  // Set to NULL (which should delete the BOTCHA point setting entry).
  botcha_set_form_id_setting($comment_form_id, NULL);
  $result = botcha_get_form_id_setting($comment_form_id);
    ->assertNull($result, 'Setting and getting BOTCHA point: NULL', 'BOTCHA');
  $result = botcha_get_form_id_setting($comment_form_id, TRUE);
    ->assertNull($result, 'Setting and symbolic getting BOTCHA point: NULL', 'BOTCHA');

  //    // Set with object.
  //    $botcha_type = new stdClass;
  //    $botcha_type->botcha_type = 'fofo';
  //    botcha_set_form_id_setting($comment_form_id, $botcha_type);
  //    $result = botcha_get_form_id_setting($comment_form_id);
  //    $this->assertNotNull($result, 'Setting and getting BOTCHA point: fofo', 'BOTCHA');
  //    $this->assertEqual($result->botcha_type, 'fofo', 'Setting and getting BOTCHA point: fofo', 'BOTCHA');
  //    $result = botcha_get_form_id_setting($comment_form_id, TRUE);
  //    $this->assertEqual($result, 'fofo', 'Setting and symbolic getting BOTCHA point: "fofo"', 'BOTCHA');