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function botcha_form_id_validate in BOTCHA Spam Prevention 6.2

2 string references to 'botcha_form_id_validate'
Botcha::getAdminForm in controller/
botcha_recipebook_form in ./
Edit existent or add a new recipe book.


./, line 138
Implementation of botcha administration forms.


function botcha_form_id_validate($element, &$form_state) {
  $value = $element['#value'];

  // @todo ?Is it correct way to check if the form is protected?
  if (!Botcha::getForm($value, FALSE)
    ->getRecipebook() instanceof BotchaRecipebookNone) {
    form_set_error('botcha_form_id', t('Form %form_id is already protected by BOTCHA', array(
      '%form_id' => $value,