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function boost_remove_db in Boost 6

Removes info from database. Use on 404 or 403.


array $files: An array of files. Each file is a secondary array with keys for 'filename' and 'hash'. The hash is the primary key in the database. If omitted it will be recalculated from the filename.

4 calls to boost_remove_db()
boost_cache_expire_router in ./boost.module
Expires the static file cache for the given router items.
boost_cache_kill_url in ./boost.module
Deletes cached page from file system & database.
boost_cron in ./boost.module
Implementation of hook_cron(). Performs periodic actions.
boost_exit in ./boost.module
Implementation of hook_exit(). Performs cleanup tasks.


./boost.module, line 4170
Provides static file caching for Drupal text output. Pages, Feeds, ect...


function boost_remove_db($files) {
  $hashes = array();
  foreach ($files as $file) {
    if (empty($file['hash'])) {
      $file['hash'] = md5($file['filename']);
    $hashes[] = $file['hash'];
  if ($hashes) {
    boost_db_multi_delete_in('boost_cache', 'hash', "'%s'", $hashes);