function boost_glue_url in Boost 6
Alt to Drupal's url() function.
See also
3 calls to boost_glue_url()
- boost_exit in ./
boost.module - Implementation of hook_exit(). Performs cleanup tasks.
- boost_init in ./
boost.module - Implementation of hook_init(). Performs page setup tasks if page not cached.
- boost_redirect_handler in ./
boost.module - Grabs drupal_goto requests via boost_exit and looks for redirects.
- ./
boost.module, line 4793 - Provides static file caching for Drupal text output. Pages, Feeds, ect...
function boost_glue_url($parsed) {
if (!is_array($parsed)) {
return FALSE;
$uri = isset($parsed['scheme']) ? $parsed['scheme'] . ':' . (strtolower($parsed['scheme']) == 'mailto' ? '' : '//') : '';
$uri .= isset($parsed['user']) ? $parsed['user'] . (isset($parsed['pass']) ? ': ' . $parsed['pass'] : '') . '@' : '';
$uri .= isset($parsed['host']) ? $parsed['host'] : '';
$uri .= isset($parsed['port']) ? ':' . $parsed['port'] : '';
if (isset($parsed['path'])) {
$uri .= substr($parsed['path'], 0, 1) == '/' ? $parsed['path'] : (!empty($uri) ? '/' : '') . $parsed['path'];
$uri .= isset($parsed['query']) ? '?' . $parsed['query'] : '';
$uri .= isset($parsed['fragment']) ? '#' . $parsed['fragment'] : '';
return $uri;