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function boost_get_menu_structure in Boost 6

Finds parent, siblings and children of the menu item. UGLY CODE...


array $menu: Output from menu_tree_all_data()

bool $found: Signal for when the needle was found in the menu array. Set TRUE to get entire menu

string $needle: Name of menu link. Example 'node/21'

bool $first: Keep track of the first call; this is a recursive function.

bool &$found_global: Used to signal the parent item was found in one of it's children

bool &$menu_out: Output array of parent, siblings and children menu links

TODO: Use page_callback and page_arguments instead of link_path. Can use boost_cache_expire_router() then.

1 call to boost_get_menu_structure()
boost_expire_node in ./boost.module
Expires a node from the cache; including related pages.


./boost.module, line 1930
Provides static file caching for Drupal text output. Pages, Feeds, ect...


function boost_get_menu_structure($menu, $found, $needle, $first, &$found_global, &$menu_out) {

  // Set Defaults
  $found = !is_null($found) ? $found : TRUE;
  $needle = !is_null($needle) ? $needle : '';
  $first = !is_null($first) ? $first : TRUE;
  $found_global = FALSE;
  $menu_out = !is_null($menu_out) ? $menu_out : array();

  // Get Siblings
  foreach ($menu as $item) {
    if ($item['link']['hidden'] == 0 && $item['link']['page_callback'] != '' && ($item['link']['link_path'] == $needle || $found)) {
      $menu_out[] = $item['link']['link_path'];
      $found = TRUE;

  // Get Children
  foreach ($menu as $item) {
    if ($item['link']['hidden'] != 0) {
    if ($item['link']['page_callback'] != '' && ($item['link']['link_path'] == $needle || $found)) {
      $menu_out[] = $item['link']['link_path'];
      $found = TRUE;

    // Get Grandkids
    if (!empty($item['below'])) {
      $sub_menu = array();
      foreach ($item['below'] as $below) {
        if ($below['link']['hidden'] == 0) {
          $sub_menu[] = $below;
      boost_get_menu_structure($sub_menu, $needle, $found, FALSE, $found_global, $menu_out);
      $structure[$item['link']['link_path']][] = $sub;
      if ($item['link']['page_callback'] != '' && $found_global) {

        // Get Parent of kid
        $menu_out[] = $item['link']['link_path'];
    else {
      $structure[$item['link']['link_path']] = '';

  // Clean up
  if (isset($structure) && is_array($structure)) {
    $structure = array_unique($structure);
  $found_global = $found;
  if ($first) {
    if (isset($menu_out) && is_array($menu_out)) {
      $menu_out = array_unique($menu_out);
      return $menu_out;
    else {
      return array();
  else {
    return $structure;