function boost_get_base_urls in Boost 6
Get all base url's where this node can appear
$node: node object
$reset: A boolean flag to clear the static variable if necessary.
Return value
array array(0 => array(0 => $base_url . '/'))
3 calls to boost_get_base_urls()
- boost_expire_node in ./
boost.module - Expires a node from the cache; including related pages.
- _boost_cache_insert in ./
boost.module - Shutdown function, gets called at the very end of node creation.
- _boost_views_runit in ./
- ./
boost.module, line 1225 - Provides static file caching for Drupal text output. Pages, Feeds, ect...
function boost_get_base_urls(&$node, $reset = FALSE) {
global $base_url, $base_path;
// Get list of URL's if using domain access
$base_urls = array();
$domains = array();
if (module_exists('domain') && isset($node->domains)) {
// Get domains from node object
foreach ($node->domains as $key => $domain_id) {
if ($key != $domain_id) {
$domains[$domain_id] = $domain_id;
// Get domains from database
foreach (boost_get_domains($node) as $domain_id) {
$domains[$domain_id] = $domain_id;
// Get aliases and set base url
foreach ($domains as $domain_id) {
$domain = domain_lookup($domain_id, NULL, $reset);
if ($domain['valid'] == 1) {
if (isset($domain['path'])) {
$base_urls[$domain_id][] = $domain['path'];
if (is_array($domain['aliases'])) {
foreach ($domain['aliases'] as $alias) {
$alias['pattern'] = trim($alias['pattern']);
if ($alias['redirect'] != 1 && !empty($alias['pattern'])) {
$temp_domain = array(
'scheme' => $domain['scheme'],
'subdomain' => $alias['pattern'],
$base_urls[$domain_id][] = domain_get_path($temp_domain);
else {
$base_urls[0][] = $base_url . '/';
return $base_urls;