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function boost_get_all_filenames in Boost 6

Returns all possible filenames given the input and current settings


$filename: Name of file

$base_dir: Value from base_dir column in database

Return value

returns a 2 dimensional array 1st dimension key is either gzip or normal 2nd dimension contains all the filenames

3 calls to boost_get_all_filenames()
boost_cache_kill in ./boost.module
Deletes cached page from file system.
boost_cache_write in ./boost.module
Writes data to filename in an atomic operation thats compatible with older versions of php (php < 5.2.4 file_put_contents() doesn't lock correctly).
_boost_change_extension in ./boost.module
Change a file extension in the database.


./boost.module, line 3702
Provides static file caching for Drupal text output. Pages, Feeds, ect...


function boost_get_all_filenames($filename, $base_dir = NULL) {
  $namesA = array();
  $namesB = array();
  $filenames = array();
  $base_dir = is_null($base_dir) ? BOOST_FILE_PATH : $base_dir;
  if (stristr($filename, '[')) {
    $paths = explode('/', $filename);
    $end = array_pop($paths);
    $end = preg_replace("([[0-9]])", ']', $end);
    $paths[] = $end;
    $namesA[] = implode('/', $paths);
  $namesA[] = $filename;
  foreach ($namesA as $filename) {
    $namesB[] = $filename;

    // Generate urlencoded filename, if name contains decoded characters
    $paths = explode('/', $filename);
    $end = array_pop($paths);
    $end = str_replace('[', '%5B', $end);
    $end = str_replace(']', '%5D', $end);
    $end = str_replace(',', '%2C', $end);
    $end = str_replace(' ', '%20', $end);
    $paths[] = $end;
    $namesB[] = implode('/', $paths);
  $namesB = array_unique($namesB);

  // Generate gzip filenames
  foreach ($namesB as $name) {
    if (BOOST_SET_FILE_ENCODING != '') {
      $name = iconv("UTF-8", BOOST_SET_FILE_ENCODING, $name);
    $filenames['normal'][] = $name;
    if (BOOST_GZIP) {

      // Replace the correct dir with the gzip version for the given base dir.
      $gzip_base_path = implode('/', array_filter(explode('/', str_replace(BOOST_ROOT_CACHE_DIR . '/' . BOOST_NORMAL_DIR, BOOST_ROOT_CACHE_DIR . '/' . BOOST_GZIP_DIR . '/', $base_dir))));
      $filenames['gzip'][] = str_replace($base_dir, $gzip_base_path, $name) . BOOST_GZIP_EXTENSION;
  return $filenames;