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function boost_exit in Boost 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 boost.module \boost_exit()
  2. 7 boost.module \boost_exit()

Implementation of hook_exit(). Performs cleanup tasks.

For POST requests by anonymous visitors, this adds a dummy query string to any URL being redirected to using drupal_goto().

This is pretty much a hack that assumes a bit too much familiarity with what happens under the hood of the Drupal core function drupal_goto().

It's necessary, though, in order for any session messages set on form submission to actually show up on the next page if that page has been cached by Boost.


./boost.module, line 151
Provides static page caching for Drupal.


function boost_exit($destination = NULL) {

  // Check that hook_exit() was invoked by drupal_goto() for a POST request:
  if (!empty($destination) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {

    // Check that we're dealing with an anonymous visitor. and that some
    // session messages have actually been set during this page request:
    global $user;
    if (empty($user->uid) && ($messages = drupal_set_message())) {

      // Check that the page we're redirecting to really necessitates
      // special handling, i.e. it doesn't have a query string:
      $path = $path == base_path() ? '' : substr($path, strlen(base_path()));
      if (empty($query)) {

        // FIXME: call any remaining exit hooks since we're about to terminate?
        // If no query string was previously set, add one just to ensure we
        // don't serve a static copy of the page we're redirecting to, which
        // would prevent the session messages from showing up:
        $destination = url($path, 't=' . time(), $fragment, TRUE);

        // Do what drupal_goto() would do if we were to return to it:
        exit(header('Location: ' . $destination));