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function boost_drupal_http_request in Boost 6

Perform an HTTP request.


$url: A string containing a fully qualified URI.

$timeout: How many seconds before giving up on request.

$method: HTTP request method.

See also


1 call to boost_drupal_http_request()
boost_async_call_crawler in ./boost.module
Call a URL with a timeout of 3 seconds.


./boost.module, line 6360
Provides static file caching for Drupal text output. Pages, Feeds, ect...


function boost_drupal_http_request($url, $timeout = 3, $method = 'GET') {
  global $db_prefix;
  $headers = array();
  $data = NULL;
  $result = new stdClass();

  // Parse the URL and make sure we can handle the schema.
  $uri = parse_url($url);
  if ($uri == FALSE) {
    $result->error = 'unable to parse URL';
    return $result;
  if (!isset($uri['scheme'])) {
    $result->error = 'missing schema';
    return $result;
  switch ($uri['scheme']) {
    case 'http':
      $port = isset($uri['port']) ? $uri['port'] : 80;
      $host = $uri['host'] . ($port != 80 ? ':' . $port : '');
      $fp = @fsockopen($uri['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
    case 'https':

      // Note: Only works for PHP 4.3 compiled with OpenSSL.
      $port = isset($uri['port']) ? $uri['port'] : 443;
      $host = $uri['host'] . ($port != 443 ? ':' . $port : '');
      $fp = @fsockopen('ssl://' . $uri['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
      $result->error = 'invalid schema ' . $uri['scheme'];
      return $result;

  // Make sure the socket opened properly.
  if (!$fp) {

    // When a network error occurs, we use a negative number so it does not
    // clash with the HTTP status codes.
    $result->code = -$errno;
    $result->error = trim($errstr);

    // Mark that this request failed. This will trigger a check of the web
    // server's ability to make outgoing HTTP requests the next time that
    // requirements checking is performed.
    // @see system_requirements()
    variable_set('drupal_http_request_fails', TRUE);
    return $result;

  // Construct the path to act on.
  $path = isset($uri['path']) ? $uri['path'] : '/';
  if (isset($uri['query'])) {
    $path .= '?' . $uri['query'];

  // Create HTTP request.
  $defaults = array(
    // RFC 2616: "non-standard ports MUST, default ports MAY be included".
    // We don't add the port to prevent from breaking rewrite rules checking the
    // host that do not take into account the port number.
    'Host' => "Host: {$host}",
    'User-Agent' => 'User-Agent: Drupal (+',

  // Only add Content-Length if we actually have any content or if it is a POST
  // or PUT request. Some non-standard servers get confused by Content-Length in
  // at least HEAD/GET requests, and Squid always requires Content-Length in
  // POST/PUT requests.
  $content_length = strlen($data);
  if ($content_length > 0 || $method == 'POST' || $method == 'PUT') {
    $defaults['Content-Length'] = 'Content-Length: ' . $content_length;

  // If the server url has a user then attempt to use basic authentication
  if (isset($uri['user'])) {
    $defaults['Authorization'] = 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($uri['user'] . (!empty($uri['pass']) ? ":" . $uri['pass'] : ''));

  // If the database prefix is being used by SimpleTest to run the tests in a copied
  // database then set the user-agent header to the database prefix so that any
  // calls to other Drupal pages will run the SimpleTest prefixed database. The
  // user-agent is used to ensure that multiple testing sessions running at the
  // same time won't interfere with each other as they would if the database
  // prefix were stored statically in a file or database variable.
  if (is_string($db_prefix) && preg_match("/^simpletest\\d+\$/", $db_prefix, $matches)) {
    $defaults['User-Agent'] = 'User-Agent: ' . $matches[0];
  foreach ($headers as $header => $value) {
    $defaults[$header] = $header . ': ' . $value;
  $request = $method . ' ' . $path . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
  $request .= implode("\r\n", $defaults);
  $request .= "\r\n\r\n";
  $request .= $data;
  $result->request = $request;
  fwrite($fp, $request);

  // Fetch response.
  $response = '';
  while (!feof($fp) && ($chunk = fread($fp, 1024))) {
    $response .= $chunk;