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function boost_cache_expire_derivative in Boost 6

Finds all possible paths/redirects/aliases given the root path.


$paths: Array of current URLs

$both: Expire database & file

$force_flush: Override the settings and kill the file

4 calls to boost_cache_expire_derivative()
boost_block_form_flush_submit in ./boost.module
boost_expire_node in ./boost.module
Expires a node from the cache; including related pages.
boost_rules_action_clear_page in ./
Clears a page from the Boost cache
boost_user in ./boost.module
Implementation of hook_user(). Acts on user account actions.


./boost.module, line 3161
Provides static file caching for Drupal text output. Pages, Feeds, ect...


function boost_cache_expire_derivative($paths, $both = FALSE, $force_flush = FALSE, $debug = FALSE) {
  global $base_path;
  $expire = array();
  if (empty($paths)) {
    return FALSE;
  foreach ($paths as $path) {

    // Given path
    $expire[] = $path;

    // Add the empty front page path if this is the alias
    if ($path == variable_get('site_frontpage', 'node')) {
      $expire[] = '';
      $expire[] = 'rss.xml';

    // Special front page feed handling
    if (BOOST_CACHE_XML && ($path == '' || $path == '<front>')) {
      $expire[] = 'rss.xml';

    // Path alias
    $path_alias = url($path, array(
      'absolute' => FALSE,
    if ($base_path != '/') {
      $path_alias = implode('/', array_diff_assoc(array_filter(explode('/', $path_alias)), array_filter(explode('/', $base_path))));
    $expire[] = $path_alias;

    // Path redirects
    if (module_exists('path_redirect')) {
      $path_redirects = boost_path_redirect_load(array(
        'redirect' => $path,
      if (isset($path_redirects)) {
        foreach ($path_redirects as $path_redirect) {
          $expire[] = $path_redirect['path'];

  // Expire cached files
  $counter = 0;
  if (empty($expire)) {
    return FALSE;
  $expire = array_unique($expire);
  if (!$debug) {
      $counter += boost_cache_expire_by_filename($expire, TRUE, $force_flush);
    elseif ($both) {
      $counter += boost_cache_expire_by_db($expire);
      $counter += boost_cache_expire_by_filename($expire, TRUE, $force_flush);
    else {
      $counter += boost_cache_expire_by_db($expire);
      if ($counter == 0) {

        // Database was a negative. Fallback: Look into flushing by filename
        $counter += boost_cache_expire_by_filename($expire, TRUE, $force_flush);
    return $counter;
  else {
    return array(
      'in' => $expire,
      'db' => boost_cache_expire_by_db($expire, TRUE),
      'filename' => boost_cache_expire_by_filename($expire, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE),