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function _boost_get_menu_router in Boost 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 boost.module \_boost_get_menu_router()

Gets menu router contex

Allows for any content type to have its own cache expiration among other things.

$GLOBALS['_boost_router_item'] gets set in this function


$path: Internal path

$get_array: $_GET

$reset: Reset static variable

Return value

array Important keys to return 'page_callback' 'page_type' 'page_id' 'page_number'

10 calls to _boost_get_menu_router()
boost_block in ./boost.module
Implementation of hook_block().
boost_block_db_rm_settings_form_submit in ./boost.module
Removes page specific settings in the boost cache database.
boost_block_db_settings_form in ./boost.module
boost_block_flush_form in ./boost.module
boost_cache_set in ./boost.module
Replaces/Sets the cached contents of the specified page, if stale.

... See full list


./boost.module, line 5177
Provides static file caching for Drupal text output. Pages, Feeds, ect...


function _boost_get_menu_router($path = NULL, $get_array = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {

  // Store result in static
  static $menu_router = array();
  if ($reset) {
    $menu_router = array();
  if ($get_array === NULL) {
    $get_array = $_GET;

  // Get query string & page number
  $query = array();
  $page = 0;
  foreach ($get_array as $key => $val) {
    if ($key != 'q' && $key != 'destination' && $key != 'page' && !empty($val)) {
      $query[$key] = $val;
    if ($key == 'page' && is_numeric($val)) {
      $page = $val;
  $query = str_replace('&', '&', urldecode(http_build_query($query)));

  // Static Index
  $index = $path ? $path . $query : 0 . $query;
  if (!empty($menu_router[$index])) {
    return $menu_router[$index];
  $router_item = array();

  // Load the menu item
  $item = menu_get_item($path);
  if (is_array($item)) {
    $router_item = $item;

  // Declare default array keys if not done.
  $router_item['page_callback'] = empty($router_item['page_callback']) ? '' : $router_item['page_callback'];
  $router_item['page_type'] = empty($router_item['page_type']) ? '' : $router_item['page_type'];
  $router_item['page_id'] = empty($router_item['page_id']) ? '' : $router_item['page_id'];

  // Get all args
  $args = arg($path);

  // Prevent array warnings
  $args[0] = empty($args[0]) ? '' : $args[0];
  $args[1] = empty($args[1]) ? '' : $args[1];
  $args[2] = empty($args[2]) ? '' : $args[2];
  $router_item['args'] = $args;

  // Get extra arguments
  $menu_args = arg(NULL, $router_item['path']);
  $diff = array();
  foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
    if (!empty($value) && !empty($menu_args[$key]) && $value !== $menu_args[$key] && $menu_args[$key] !== '%') {
      $diff[] = $value;
  if (!empty($diff)) {
    $router_item['extra_arguments'] = implode('/', $diff);
  else {
    $router_item['extra_arguments'] = '';
  $router_item['query'] = $query;
  $router_item['page_number'] = $page;

  // Make sure page arguments is set and is an array
  // Needed if view throws a 403
  if (!is_array($router_item['page_arguments'])) {
    $router_item['page_arguments'] = array(

  // Make sure function for menu callback is loaded.
  // See menu_execute_active_handler()
  if ($router_item['file']) {
    require_once $router_item['file'];

  // Invoke hook_boost_menu_router($router_item)
  $modules = module_implements('boost_menu_router');

  // Make boosts built in hook the last one.
  $pos = array_search('boost', $modules);
  if ($pos !== FALSE) {
    $temp = $modules[$pos];
    $modules[] = $temp;
  foreach ($modules as $module) {
    if (($result = module_invoke($module, 'boost_menu_router', $router_item)) !== NULL) {
      $menu_router[$index] = $result;
      if ($path === NULL) {
        $GLOBALS['_boost_router_item'] = $menu_router[$index];
      return $menu_router[$index];