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12 uses of BOOST_ROOT_CACHE_DIR in Boost 6

boost_admin_boost_performance_page in ./
Form builder; Displays Boost's configuration page.
boost_admin_generate_htaccess in ./
Generate htaccess code.
boost_cache_directory in ./boost.module
Returns the full directory path to the static file cache directory.
boost_cache_kill in ./boost.module
Deletes cached page from file system.
boost_drush_cache_reset in ./
Clears Boost's database and file cache.
boost_get_all_filenames in ./boost.module
Returns all possible filenames given the input and current settings
boost_htaccess_cache_dir_put in ./boost.module
boost_requirements in ./boost.install
Implementation of hook_requirements().
boost_reset_database_file_submit in ./
Resets boost database & cache directory
boost_update_6125 in ./boost.install
Update 6125 - Reset boost-gzip-cookie-test.html.gz file
boost_update_6126 in ./boost.install
Update 6126 - Reset boost-gzip-cookie-test.html.gz file
_boost_generate_gzip_test_file in ./boost.module
Generate iframe gzip cookie test html file.