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20 uses of BOOST_FILE_PATH in Boost 6

BoostTestCase::test_configuration in ./boost.test
boost_admin_boost_performance_page in ./
Form builder; Displays Boost's configuration page.
boost_block_db_rm_settings_form_submit in ./boost.module
Removes page specific settings in the boost cache database.
boost_cache_clear_all_db in ./boost.module
Resets all entries in database.
boost_cache_delete in ./boost.module
Deletes files in the cache.
boost_cache_expire_all_db in ./boost.module
Flushes all expired pages via database lookup.
boost_cache_expire_by_db in ./boost.module
Expires the static file cache for the given paths via database.
boost_cache_get_node_relationships in ./boost.module
Creates a parent child relationship for pages like views.
boost_cache_kill in ./boost.module
Deletes cached page from file system.
boost_cache_set_node_relationships in ./boost.module
Creates a parent child relationship for pages like views.
boost_count_db in ./
Counts the number of pages in the static cache.
boost_file_path in ./boost.module
Returns the static file path for a Drupal page.
boost_get_all_filenames in ./boost.module
Returns all possible filenames given the input and current settings
boost_get_settings_db in ./boost.module
Gets boost settings from cache settings database.
boost_put_db in ./boost.module
Puts boost info into database.
boost_put_settings_db in ./boost.module
Puts boost info into database.
boost_requirements in ./boost.install
Implementation of hook_requirements().
boost_set_base_dir_in_array in ./boost.module
Sets the base_dir array key based on settings.
boost_set_db_page_settings in ./boost.module
Sets per page configuration.
_boost_views_runit in ./boost.module