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10 uses of BOOST_CACHE_XML in Boost 6

boost_admin_boost_performance_page in ./
Form builder; Displays Boost's configuration page.
boost_admin_boost_performance_page_validate in ./
validate boost_admin_boost_performance_page form submissions.
boost_admin_generate_htaccess in ./
Generate htaccess code.
boost_block_form_flush_submit in ./boost.module
boost_cache_expire_derivative in ./boost.module
Finds all possible paths/redirects/aliases given the root path.
boost_chk_htaccess_doc in ./boost.install
Check htaccess file for given rules.
boost_chk_htaccess_doc_subdir in ./boost.install
Check htaccess file if needed subdir references are in it.
boost_htaccess_cache_dir_generate in ./boost.module
boost_is_cacheable in ./boost.module
Determines whether a given url can be cached or not by boost.
_boost_ob_handler in ./boost.module
PHP output buffering callback for static page caching.